Interdimensional Metaphysical Poultergeist Species in Mosaic [OLD] | World Anvil
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Interdimensional Metaphysical Poultergeist

IMP for short


IMPs are people who are trapped between a dimension and the Void between dimensions. They struggle to maintain a physical form initially, but they can eventually transform back into a human (or whatever species they used to be) - given they absorb enough people.   Prolonged physical contact with an IMP (more than 5 consecutive seconds) causes one to be absorbed into the IMP's body and transported to the Void, becoming an IMP themself. The IMP's form will become more physical and humanoid the more beings it absorbs, eventually completely reverting back to its original species.   IMPs are considered extremely dangerous because of this fact, and multiple species across the multiverse (especially the Almiposa) hunt them down to preserve safety.   IMPs have no memories of who they used to be, but many have distinct personalities that prove that not everything about them has disappeared.

Basic Information


IMPs vary in shapes and sizes, but they all share some physical characteristics. They are an unreflective black - almost seeming like a Photoshopped hole in the air. They appear to glow with a strange rainbow light despite the darkness. Any eyes the IMP might have are always pure white, and they also seem to glow with the same light the rest of their body exudes.

Growth Rate & Stages

IMPs are classified into five stages, based on how close they are to becoming human and the size of their domain.  

IMP Rankings

Explains the star ranking of an IMP

RankBeings DeletedIMPatch Size ComparisonDescription
1 Star0Bread Box
  • Usually an amorphous eyeless blob
2 Star1-4Small Dorm Room
  • Starting to form a humanoid figure
  • Covered in eyes
  • Multiple limbs present
3 Star5-14Average School Cafeteria
  • Eyes and limbs start to merge together
  • Distinct humanoid features usually present
  • Sometimes able to speak, but rarely sentient
4 Star15-24Small to Medium Building
  • About 5-10 eyes only on the head
  • Detached polygonal shapes start forming behind their body - some believe they are wings
  • Sentience usually arises here
5 Star25-30American Football Field
  • About 2-5 eyes on head
  • Fully grown wings
  • Fully sentient

Ecology and Habitats

IMPs don't exist in the physical world - not entirely. They instead live in small patches of land that they have near godlike power over (that they unknowingly have to share - more details here). These domains, or IMPatches, as some call them, can exist anywhere, and they can appear as almost anything - an office building, a forest, a lake, even just an empty void, if the IMP is inclined. The size and complexity of an IMPatch depend on the stage of the IMP, and the IMP is unable to leave their IMPatch. Many IMPs disguise their domains as enticing places, so people will be drawn to them so they can absorb them.

Civilization and Culture


IMPs were created by the Void in an attempt to save the creatures whose minds and bodies were getting torn apart when they entered it. Unfortunately, it had limited resources.

Common Myths and Legends

Every IMP seems to believe in one way or another that "a savior of pure darkness will free us from our cages, and we will finally be one in freedom." The exact same wording is used when recounting this story, despite IMPs rarely being able to communicate with each other.
Genetic Descendants
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