Character in Mythrite | World Anvil

Sethey Sagesprinter

Sethey Sagesprinter is a tall, willowy human with an androgynous appearance. They keep their white-blonde hair in a perpetual tight braid down their back, and they seem to be always freezing, so they absolutely detest even the slightest bit of cold weather. Because of this, as well as their standoffish nature, they keep themself locked inside their house up on Charlamaine Hill most of the time, with a fire constantly blazing in the large hearth. The only other member of their household is their most loyal (and only) companion: their dog Mimsy. The breed of this furry little grey-haired creature is unknown, but it has been said that she remarkably resembles a goblin. Sethey spends most of their days sat in a cushioned chair with Mimsy on their lap, facing the window looking out over the Greypeak Mountains and their inhabitants, making careful mental notes for their reports to the Lords’ Alliance. They have a few servants and messengers that report to them each morning, and it is they who carry out all of Sethey’s errands within the town.

Sethey came to Mythrite around 4 months ago to keep a close eye on its people as a representative of the Lords’ Alliance for Neverwinter. It wasn’t their decision, and this order was meant with much protest from Sethey, which ultimately proved to be fruitless. They are still bitter about having to be in such an uncivilized, rough, and dangerous (not to mention cold) place as Mythrite, and they can on rare occasions be caught muttering complaints to Mimsy when they think no one is looking. They hope that they can find a way to leave Mythrite as soon as possible and return back home to Neverwinter, where the weather is warm year-round and it is much safer. Sethey is hoping that success in fulfilling their duties as a representative will lead to them gaining status, which is their main goal.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, Thin, Willowy, Sensitive to Cold, Androgynous Appearance

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Genderfluid, They/Them pronouns

Intellectual Characteristics

Reserved, Circumspect

Personality Characteristics


Returning home to Neverwinter, moving up in status


Social Aptitude



Muttering to Mimsy, Stroking Mimsy

Hobbies & Pets

Beloved dog Mimsy

Wealth & Financial state

Current Location
Current Residence
Ice Blue
Fine, White Blonde, Braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very Pale
132 lbs
Created by Carly Hildebrand

Character Portrait image: Sethey Sagesprinter by Carly Hildebrand


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