Professional Services Profession in Mythrite | World Anvil

Professional Services

Professional services include jobs that deal with finance, banking, lending, contracts, legal disputes, and advanced medical procedures. Professionals are often members of the upper-classes, dress well, pay more to eat well, and live in better residential areas, specifically Eronia in the main settlement and Charmalaine for the more affluent.   Many professionals view themselves as superior to the uneducated, unwashed masses populating Mythrite, though some do enjoy mingling with the "locals." Many professionals also employ an assistant or two, whose responsibilities range from errand running to assisting with sums and correspondence, depending on the assistant's skill level.   A not insignificant number of miners, merchants, and tradespeople resent the presence of this professional class in Mythrite as fleeing such aristocrats was one of the reasons that brought them here to begin with, though most appreciate that their services are required in order to turn any kind of profit. Professional services make up less than 10% of the overall population.


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