Seal of the Republic Item in Miscellaneous | World Anvil

Seal of the Republic

Worn by every governing member of the Republic of Ors on a round metal disc, the Seal is an image of three connected planets, symbolising the three founding members of the Republic. The Seal is also displayed on banners in official Republic buildings and vehicles, and is in the centre of each member planet's flag.   Over time the planets in the design have been made more generic-looking, rather than exact images of the Founding Three. While this redesign was done to reduce controversy due Felder being expelled from the alliance, the move itself was also controversial.   For those who wear the Seal, it is considered a badge of honour. To not wear it in formal settings or to have it taken away is a disgrace. The most shocking move by a member of the Republic government was when, on a live broadcast, the Governor of Ghi Soe removed his Seal and dropped it on the ground during a speech, the day Ghi Soe began proceedings to leave the Republic. The move was a symbolic one, demonstrating his feelings about the Republic and making it clear he no longer considered himself part of it. While the content of the speech was itself deeply controversial, condemning the Republic's mass destruction of Moakandroids, it was the unthinkable action of publicly discarding the Seal which is most remembered.



Republic of Ors

Interplanetary alliance, currently formed of ten planets. Multiple members have joined, left, or been expelled since the original founding. The Republic's governing body is based on the planet of Ors, which has no indigenous life. Revered by many outsiders for defeating the Lerizi Empire, they are also known for corruption, self-interest and controversial decisions.  


One of the original three planets that founded the Republic. A political scandal resulted in it being expelled from the Republic, which was a hugely divisive move by the Republic government.  

Ghi Soe

Former member of the Republic. Scientists on Ghi Soe proved androids built from the Moakan design to be fully sapient beings capable of free will, but their work was not recognised by the Republic's governing body and millions of Moakandroids were destroyed during the Republic's reclaiming of territories taken by the Lerizi Empire. Ghi Soe left the Republic in disgust.


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