Kirre Species in Mirror world | World Anvil
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Basic Information


The Kirre is a creature that can walk on two feet, but prefers to walk on all fours. On all four paws the creature has four claws. All creatures have a tail, the one on the males are longer than the females.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Kirre is four months pregnant with her two to three cubs. The cubs stay for seven years with their mother, ready to start a family of their own.   The male Kirre's are also known to breed with other species. At least they try to, they are only able to get cubs with Humans.

Ecology and Habitats

Kirre are loving the idle air of the mountains. So the mountain ranges of Yogon are perfect for them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kirre's eat everything they can get their paws on. They only need to travel down the mountains to get it. Which they hate, because they might get in contact with other species.


They are viewed as shy creatures, but they are really not. They do not want to socialize with others, they rather keep to themselves. When they hunt prey they go down the mountains and stalk it until they find a opportunity to strike.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Kirre's love to be by their selves, even away from their own species. They only come together when it is time to mate.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their fur is used for the famous Yogon tartan, they are not killed however for this fur. People are collecting the pieces from bushes, the tartan capes are often passed down for generations, because it takes ages to collect the fur and make the cape.
by Heroforge

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Kirre can be found in the highest peeks of the mountains. But they can also be found at the bottom of the mountains. But that is mainly when they are on the hunt. Or when the males are looking for a mate.

Average Intelligence

It is being proven that they are sentient, but it is believed that they are on the low end of that. Because they are basically driven more by instinct then by intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Kirre's are excellent climbers, which make them perfect for the difficult life in the mountain kingdom Yogon.
by Heroforge
  This is a kirre/human hybrid
Scientific Name
20 years
Average Height
60-76 cm
Average Weight
27-120 kg
Average Length
95-150 cm
Average Physique
The Kirre's are strong, they need the strenght for climbing and catching their prey.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Kirre's come in various colors: green, orange, yellow, pink, red and so on. But all of them are having black stripes. It often wondered how they catch prey when they are visible from a mile away.
Geographic Distribution


  This article is an answer to beastiary challange.
Generic article | Jun 2, 2023

Cover image: by jpeter2


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