Giant Species in Mirrarium | World Anvil


Kinda like humans, but big.   Giants have a history of being brutes who would form bands to conquer and enslave towns. This practice began around the end of The Dragon Time and extended past it, as the power vaccuum left by departing dragons had to be filled by other powerful beings.   This history has led to a distrust of giants - the fact that very few species are completely innocent of atrocities against others has sadly done little to dissuade the stereotype. It could be because the large-scale conquests happened more recently than most (though not all) wars of conquest by other species, or it could be that for most species, the only interactions with giants their history records have been negative. The giants who did not practice this were fairly isolationist, so few think of their side of the story.   Today, the remaining giants largely practice the isolationism of their less warlike forbearers, although some who either long for a return to supposed glory days or who simply have no real hope for anything better will find themselves in the employ of less-than-savory company.


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