Dance Fighting in Mirrarium | World Anvil

Dance Fighting

When lively music is playing in a tavern, sometimes a Dance-off will occur. Sam Fatts' Crew also ran into a ship of pirates who challenged them to a Dance FIght for their treasure.  

Dance Fight Rules

  In initiative order, challenge an opponent and make a Performance Check. You may choose from the following Dance Stances (Dances). The DC is the challenged target’s passive Impressivity (10 + Charisma Mod + Proficiency if they are proficient in art criticism)  
  • Flexible - you show off complex moves requiring great flexibility. The Performance check is based off Dexterity
  • Hard - you really pound at them in a dance showing off your aggression, like a haka. The Performance check is based off Strength
  • EndurDance - you dance really hard for a long time. The Performance check is based off Constitution
  • Interpretive - you perform an interpretive, modern dance. The Performance check is based off Intelligence
  • Symbolic - you perform a dance that is based off ancient divine rituals. The Performance check is based off Wisdom
  • Just Dance - a normalish dance, the Performance check is based off Charisma as normal
  If you ‘hit’ the target takes 1d4 + Cha mod Danceage. Dance Hit Points are 10 + the higher of your Constitution or Charisma modifier. There is an additional effect depending on the type of dance:  
  • Flexible - the moves really astound the target. They take an extra 1d4 Danceage
  • Hard - the target is somewhat intimidated and has Disadvantage on their next maneuver
  • EndurDance - the target has to try to keep up with you, refusing to be shown up like that. They must make a Constitution save with a DC equal to 8 + your Charisma modifier or suffer a level of Dancehaustion (like Exhaustion but only applies to dance fighting - suffering 6 does not kill you)
  • Interpretive - your skilled dance keeps EVERYONE guessing. Rather than one target, you target all opposing dancers, who must make Charisma saves with a DC equal to your Performance Check or each take 1d3 damage
  • Symbolic - your ‘ritual’ revitalizes your fellow dancers. Instead of targeting an opponent, all your allies regain Dance Hit Points equal to your Wisdom Modifier
  • Just Dance - Your performance inspires your fellow dancers. Instead of targeting an opponent, your allies gain a bonus to their next Dance Check (whether it’s a Dance Attack or a save) equal to your Charisma modifier.
  When a Dancer reaches 0 Dance Hit Points, they are out of the dance. When one side is out of Dancers, that side loses.


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