Ziiran Forerunners Organization in Milky Way | World Anvil

Ziiran Forerunners

The Ziiran Forerunners are an ancient, stagnant empire of immense power. The population of the empire are almost entirely Ziirans, who are believed to have evolved on the planet of Cradle, located in the Ziira System, which serves as the empire's capital. The Ziirans are an ancient empire, predating virtually all current spacefaring societies, and the best estimates place their empire as well over two thousand years old. Due to their age, the Ziirans are in possession of immensely powerful technology, far beyond the cutting edge of modern science. The majority of their population is cared for by servitor robots, and live in post-scarcity conditions. A small portion of the Ziirans ensure their empire continues to function, dedicating their lives to civil service.

Like the other "fallen empires" of the galaxy, the Ziirans rarely interact with what they refer to as the "young races". In their few interactions, they have been described as generally polite but arrogant. On occasion, they have asked various societies for "samples" of their species, which they house on a special world within their empire - The Preserve. It is believed that the Ziirans have an ancient rivalry with another fallen empire, the Saathid Remnant, who in many ways are their opposite.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Post-scarcity economy
Related Species


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