
Replicators refer to a series of technologies that can quickly assemble finished products from component parts. Standard matter replicators use stores of various materials to quickly assemble pre-programmed objects by 'printing' them. Material is layered on top of itself in a manner similar to old 3D printers, but much more accurately, quickly, and capable of supporting a wider variety of shapes. Some planets have civilian repli-complexes that allow individuals to request simple items and have them quickly created at a kiosk, and many warships carry specialised replicators that are used to replenish ammunition while underway.

However, traditional replicators are incapable of processing biological material in a form that renders it safe for consumption. Nutrient replication is a more recent development in the field of replicators, and augments existing food production instead of replacing it. Biological waste is collected and processed into its components, which are then sorted, and useful material is set aside for nutrient replicators. The process of replicating food is much more energy and resource intensive than traditional replication, as errors can cause serious illness in those who consume the food. However, nutrient replication has proved to be a significant boost to agricultural output and organic waste reduction.


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