
A nebula (plural nebulae) is a stellar phenomenon characterised by gigantic clouds of dust and hydrogen, often light years across. Nebulae are typically formed from the gas that exists in the interstellar medium between stars. They can also be created through a supernova, when a massive star reaches the end of its life or a white dwarf triggers runaway nuclear fusion. As the star explodes, it throws vast quantities of material into space, and itself becomes a neutron star or black hole. In some cases, the star is totally destroyed, and the nebula is all that remains. Some nebulae are considered to be 'star-forming regions' due to their large quantities of matter. As the term suggests, these nebulae eventually form new stars from their gas and hydrogen.

Nebulae are often considered to be beautiful by many of the species of the galaxy, due to their size and colour. Studies have found that habitable worlds are less likely to exist within nebulae, but some are still present. However, resources such as exotic gases can be found more frequently within these stellar bodies, and can be mined along with minerals at specialised starbase facilities. The properties of nebulae also interfere with starship sensors, causing them to fail more frequently. As such, it is extremely difficult to detect anything through hyperspace that is within a nebula. These sensor disruptions also improve the ability of starships to cloak and remain hidden, a property taken advantage of by navies and pirates alike.

In some cases, a nebula can become ionised. These ionised nebulae are characterised by their 'lightning storms' in space that pose significant hazards to starships and orbital infrastructure. Due to this ships must travel at significantly lowered speeds while inside an ionised nebula.


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