The Thornhart Assembly Organization in Midrial | World Anvil

The Thornhart Assembly

The Thornhart Assembly is dedicated to research of the arcane and the teaching of magical arts.


The Assembly leadership is split amongst a series of specilized deligates, but the Thornhart guild as a whole is lead by Adjudacator Sidell Foldrum. Below him is the Vice Adjudacator, Eden Shorespire.   Below them are the Masters, the Licentiates and the Pursers. Masters typically remain involved with the academy itself and work to train new students, but occasionally pursue tasks of their own when their skill sets come in to handy. They are well versed on lore, politics, and of course, the arcane.   Master:
Thornhart Licentiates are usually specialized wizards, but can also be various other types of warriors who have a specialty of some kind. Be it a school of magic, a specific element, or a fighting style, Licentiates are always the type to be reckoned with.   Licentiate:
  The Pursers are more physical and aggresive in their methods. They act as the guild's debt collectors, and maintain a physical presence that the guild lacks elsewhere.   Purser:  


The Assembly is regarded with suspicion by many. Some find themselves better off for their presence in Volagvaros, but those that don't reap the benefits question their mysterious arcane ways. They occasionally provide free training and housing for a select few students who would otherwise not be able to afford tuition, but with the agreement that their time at the Thornhart Academy will end with a career with the guild.

Public Agenda

The Thornhart Academy
While dealing mostly in magical teachings, they don't limit themselves entirely to the arcane. They train a great deal of students with varied backgrounds. Much of their profits come from teaching and magical services. They also place emphasis on research, and have teams spread throughout Western Costrana (sometimes in secret).
Founding Date
Educational, School/Academy
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
The typical garb of a Thornhart guildmember