The Atropal Report in Midrial | World Anvil

The Atropal

General Summary

The Outcasts agreed to fight a great monstrosity for the good of the Empire.   Percerian Rhorellian expressed interest in negotiating a deal with Halis to start a conflict with Uslos.   Snurki revealed that he was ready to settle down and find a wife.   This agreement led them, along with Mirafalor (who Percerian tried to convince not to go), to the Borinbane Mountains. There they stood before the Atropal, a towering, hideous creature.     The battle was long and difficult. The Outcasts quickly found the creature to be a match for them, but returned blow for blow with the failed vessel of Halis. After Lucyan had exhausted the full extent of his magic, he was knocked unconscious, his soul returning to his phylactery as his body dropped to the ground. Alistair sprinted back and forth across the battlefield, administering healing potions while dodging the Atropal's necrotic attacks.     The creature was bruised and battered, but it began to appear as if it would prevail. With the being's health lowered by significant attacks from Lucyan, Mirafalor and Wornal, Alistair drew a fire arrow from his quiver. The flint struck and lit the fire, the arrow beginning to blaze with light. Alistair released the arrow and watched, as if in slow motion, as it flew and struck the creature between the eyes. It bubbled and burst until it finally exploded in a hot, black sludge, defeated.   The party looted the battlefield, acquiring some new magic items.   Upon the party's return to Dyrathryn, Elmorn Vorithil agreed to give them access to the deep archives of the city library, as well as a favor that they could redeem when they wished.   The night's dreams were plagued with visions. The Atropal was a part of Halis, it seemed. With its defeat, Halis was partially weakened.   A strange new deity, Selen, offered her patronage to the party in the form of Wornal's dream.   The next morning, a guard knocked on the door of the Outcast's home. He said: "your presence is requested at the palace. A deal has been struck. The war has begun. May the gods have mercy on our souls."

Missions/Quests Completed

Defeating the Atropal
The Atropal
Report Date
04 Jun 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location