Harlen Syndicate Organization in Midrial | World Anvil

Harlen Syndicate

The Harlen Syndicate is one of the oldest of the guilds, formed in 895 by Prestir Harlen. The Harlen family has held a position of power as one of the guild's 3 ruling families for generations, with sitting magnate Wilword Harlen as one of the organization's current figureheads.   The Syndicate has always been in the business of entertainment. Be it gambling, prostitution, etc, the families of the Syndicate have branched into many different enterprises. If you find yourself having fun in Volagvaros, you're probably feeding into the pocket of the Harlen Syndicate.


The guild is ruled by three magnates, each head of the families that have led the Harlen Syndicate for many years. These men are Wilword Harlen, Grimm Sterth, and Halfanis Redfell (who just became head of house after his father's disappearance).   Ranking below the families are three branches of guild members: Fleecers, Praetorians, and Consolars. The Fleecers are often businessmen, but are trained well in various other areas to ensure that they can look out for themselves. Praetorians are often feared in the undercity. If you see a Praetorian, you best hope they aren't looking for you. They carry out the dirtier tasks for the guild. The Consolars are more mysterious, as few know what their actual duties entail. Some believe they are in search of the Kyrimhearthe.   Below them are the guild Outriders. Outriders often perform tasks that take them beyond the city of Volagvaros.   Next are the Syndicate contacts, followed by the initiate rank, the Kindred.       Pictured below, the armor/garb of the Syndicate:   Consolar:  


The Harlen Syndicate isn't all bad. Public perception of the guild in the city is actually quite high. The guild provides a great deal for the citizens of Volagvaros and beyond. The families are responsible for the employment of a great many people.


The Syndicate Guildhall, a multi-tower complex and a center for entertainment and business that extends down to the undercity.


Formed as a small business union 895, the guild was almost the original union. The three ruling families decided their profits could be increased if they worked as one.
Wilword Harlen  
Grim Sterth  
Halfanis Redfell
It's no secret that the syndicate deal in shady business around the city, but who doesn't? They run casinos, horse tracks, and other entertainment in Volagvoros. They also deal in shipping and trading all across Western Costrana and beyond. It's rumored that they are also in search of the Kyrimhearthe.
Founding Date
Guild, Professional
Training Level
Veterancy Level