Blacksmith in Midgard | World Anvil



Weapons if destroyed may be repaired for a cost of their base price x1.5.


Upgrading Weapons

Upgading weapons follows a branching path system, with available options split into multiple tiers. At first, a weapon can only be upgraded with a limited selection of 1st tier tags depending on its type, each of which “unlocks” one or more options from the next tier. The following additional rules apply when upgrading a weapon with a new tag:
  • All prerequisite conditions must be satisfied to apply a new tag, as shown in the Weapon Upgrades table.
  • 2nd tier upgrades can only be applied by a trained craftsman, with 3rd tier upgrades requiring the skills of a master artisan.
  • Typically,it takes an artisan a full day of work (minimum 8 hours) to upgrade a weapon with a new tag.
  • Once added a tag can’t be removed from a weapon.

Weapon Upgrade Cost Structure

Upgrading a weapon has a base cost associated with each tier, with subsequent upgrades of that tier costing twice the previous amount for that tier. For example, Erik decides to pay a visit to a local blacksmith in order to have a customized pommel attached to his dagger—adding the balanced tag—for the tier 1 base cost of 100 gp. Later, he returns to have the blade honed—adding the sharpened tag—this time costing 200 gp, with the next 1st tier upgrade costing 400 gp, and so on. Upgrades are grouped by tier for the purposes of this cost scaling: continuing with the above example, if Erik then wishes to have the blade of his dagger partially serrated in order to improve its effectiveness when slicing and cutting—adding the saw-toothed tag—it would cost 1,000 gp (the 2nd tier base cost) provided that the dagger doesn’t already possess any other 2nd tier tags.  


Weapon Revisions

The following new properties have been added to certain weapons. The Revised Weapons table reflects these changes in bold for easy reference:
  • Bandolier (Applies to daggers and darts). When making a ranged attack with a weapon that has the bandolier property, you can immediately draw another weapon of the same type as part of the attack.
  • Concealed (Applies to blowguns, daggers, darts, hand crossbows, and slings). You have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks you make to keep this weapon hidden.
  • Siege (Applies to greatclubs and mauls). This weapon deals double damage to objects and structures.
  • In addition, the Heavy property has been added to greatclubs and the damage of greatclubs has been changed to 2d4.
  • The Trident’s damage die has changed from 1d6 to 1d8, and its Versatile die is now 1d10 rather than 1d8.
  • The War Pick now has the Versatile property (1d10).

Weapon Actions

In order to gain access to the Weapon Actions from a weapon, a creature must have Proficiency in that weapon type and have it equipped in the main hand or both hands (off-hand weapons do not grant Weapon Actions). If a weapon action you use requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the techniques's effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Weapon's Ability Modifier. You may only use this feature up to your Profiecency Bonus per short rest or long rest. You cant use multiple Weapon Actions on the same attack.  


Using Exotic Weapons

All Martial Classes at 5th level gain Proficiency in a single Exotic Weapon of their choice. Fighters at 3rd level gain Proficiency in a Single Exotic Weapon, and again each time they get an Extra Attack upon level up. Other Martial and Non-Martial classes may choose the Exotic Weapon Feat or Train to further their capabilities with Exotic Weapons.

Exotic Weapon Properties

  • Armor Piercing. This weapon gains a +1 to attack rolls against creatures with heavy armor or a natural armor of 17 or higher.
  • Bleeding. The weapon does an additional 1d4 necrotic damage. Has no effect on constructs or undead.
  • Brutal. This weapon does 1 additional damage die on crits.
  • Deadly. The weapon may crit on a roll one less than usual.
  • Double. The weapon may be treated as if you dual wielding two weapons.
  • Defense. As a bonus action you may impose disadvantage on any creature that attacks you with a melee weapon until your next turn.
  • Disarm. You may make an attack roll with this weapon to attempt to disarm a creature of its weapon.
  • Elegance. Melee weapons with this property use your Dexterity modifier for attack and damage rolls.
  • Execute. When you strike a helpless creature (Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Surprised, Stunned, or Unconcious) your weapon deals two additional damage dice.
  • Glove. A glove weapon is worn on your hand or forearm, and you cannot be disarmed of it. You can hold objects, wield weapons, and cast spells with a hand fitted with a glove weapon, but you can only attack with the glove weapon if that hand is unoccupied. It takes an action to don or doff a glove weapon.
  • Grapple. You may make an attack roll with this weapon to attempt to grapple a creature.
  • Might. Ranged weapons with this property use your Strength modifier for attack and damage rolls. You must have a Strength Score of 18 to use this weapon. This weapon counts as having the Heavy and Two Handed Property.
  • Nonlethal. When a creature is reduced to 0 hitpoints with this weapon, they are stabilized but unconscious.
  • Parry. If a creature hits you with a melee attack while you are wielding a weapon with the parry property that you are proficient with, you can use your reaction to add half your proficiency bonus to your AC for that attack, potentially causing it to miss. If you do so while wielding two parrying weapons, you add your entire proficiency bonus instead.
  • Reload. This weapon fires a number of times equal to its reload score before having to reload. You may reload it as an attack or as an action.
  • Returning. The weapon returns to you after thrown.
  • Special. Weapons with the special tag have their special property listed under the Exotic Weapon Table.
  • Trip. You may make an attack roll with this weapon to attempt to knock a creature prone.
  • Unwieldy. You have disadvantage on Dexterity based Ability Checks and Saving Throws while wielding this weapon. You must have a Strength Score of 18 to use this weapon. This weapon counts as having the Heavy and Two Handed Property.

Special Properties

  • Colossal Spear. This weapon starts with the Long Upgrade.
  • Fighting Lance. While mounted, this weapon has advantage on attacks against creatures smaller than your mount.
  • Nunchaku. When you use the Defense property, you also gain half-cover against ranged weapon attacks. If your weapon is magical, you also gain half-cover against ranged spell attacks.
  • Portable Ballista. As an action, this weapon can be deployed. While deployed it remains in one spot and any creature may use it as if they had proficiency and it didnt have the Might proprety. It takes an action to un-deploy the ballista.
  • Ring Blade. When you use the Defense property, until the beginning of your next turn, any creature that starts its turn or enters a space within 5 ft. of you for the first time on their turn take slashing damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Ripsaw. As a Bonus Action you may rev the ripsaw, until the end of your turn it does an extra die of damage.
  • Twin Sword. As a Bonus Action, you may split this weapon into two long swords (they use the long sword stats when used this way).


Special Ammunition

The following new types of ammunition may be available for ranged weapons; either found as loot, available to purchase, or as an option to craft during downtime:
  • Blunt. Successful attacks using this ammunition deal 1d4 nonlethal bludgeoning damage instead of the weapon’s normal damage.
  • Bodkin. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against targets wearing armor when using this ammunition.
  • Broadhead. When you hit a creature that isn’t wearing armor with an attack using this ammunition it takes an extra 1d6 piercing damage.
  • Berserker Dart. When you hit a creature with an attack using this ammunition, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or go berserk. While berserk, it must use its action each round to attack the creature nearest to it. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Constitution saving throw, ending the effect on a success. A creature that has succeeded on the save has advantage on subsequent saves made to resist the effects of this poison for 24 hours. No effect against undead and creatures immune to being charmed. Once a berserk dart hits a creature, it loses this property and becomes a normal dart.
  • Firecracker. On striking a hard surface, it explodes creating a flash of light and loud crack audible out to 100 feet.
  • Flight Arrow. The ranges of the weapon is increased by 50 feet when using this arrow.
  • Smoke Arrow. The arrow leaves a smoke cloud in a 10 ft radius where it hits, obscuring vision.
  • Sleep Dart. When you hit a creature with an attack using this ammu- nition, instead of dealing damage roll 5d8; if the target has fewer hit points than the total rolled it falls unconscious until one hour has passed, it takes damage, or someone uses and action to shake or slap the target awake. No effect against undead and creatures immune to being charmed. Once a sleep dart hits a creature, it loses this property and becomes a normal dart.
  • Whistling Arrow. Creates a loud whistling sound out to 500 feet when soaring through the air.


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