Session 37: The Culling of Rodents pt.2 Report Report in Midgard | World Anvil
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Session 37: The Culling of Rodents pt.2 Report

General Summary

Everything has come to this point: the Rat Pack faces off against Zagar, the Voiceless One. However, before they can do that, they must decide what to do with Master Carvedous.

Carvedous Pleads

After defeating Master Carvedous and his minions, he was trapped inside his mechanical suit. The Rat Pack debated what to do with him as he listened in horror. He started begging for his life in the hopes that he might still get out of this alive.
Carvedous offered to give them a weapon to defeat Zagar. When asked why he would offer to turn on the dragon, Carvedous was very honest in saying that he was as good as dead once Zagar discovered his failure. At least by helping them, he still had a chance at living.
Azid made a counteroffer, transmuting the metal mech suit into a guillotine and placing it around his fat, stubby leg. Carvedous would give them what they needed, or else he would die slowly and be forced to give it up anyway as an undead slave. Seeing this as his best and only option, Carvedous told them the location of his hidden vault where he kept the Doom Croaker, 20,000 gold pieces, and a crossbow bolt of dragon slaying.
Azid made a makeshift brig on the Hard Nut for Carvedous and rigged the guillotine to chop off his leg if he even attempted to escape.

A Call for Help

On their way back to Bral, Captain Eagerwhisper called them on their sending stone. He told them that Zagar had attacked Bral with a draconian army and had turned it into his lair. He begged for the Rat Pack to come and save them.
As they neared the Rock, Zagar appeared in the space beside them and demanded that they stop their ship at once. At first, Glebnor complied out of fear of the massive dragon. Azid quickly ordered Glebnor to "cheese it," the pilot followed orders as the dragon attacked. Glebnor expertly parked the ship at the docks as Stinkbreath managed to get a few shots off at the dragon.
They first went to their tavern to see how things were going there. They soon learned that the defenses of Bral had been broken and no one could stand up to the dragon. They were then called out into the streets by some draconians. Azid was in no mood to parlay and quickly engulfed them in mud before creating a perimeter around them with sickening radiation that sapped them of their strength. A few of them managed to escape the thick mud, but Stinkbreath and Geasle dispatched them as quickly as they got out.
After defeating the minions, the party decided to go and confront Zagar directly in the the ruins of the once great marketplace. 

The Voiceless One

They were clearly expected by Zagar. General Margrax stood waiting for them with an army of draconians. He told them that Zagar demanded that they submit to him and help him in his plot to recreate the multiverse, or they would all die. Azid asked if Margrax was familiar with a "surprise round" to which the general smiled and said that he was. At that point, the draconian blitzed the Rat Pack and the battle was on.
As they fought, Zagar swooped down from above, laying down radiant fire on them. He did this twice before they managed to defeat the footsoldiers and sent Margrax fleeing into the caves beneath Bral. Zagar then landed, facing off against Geasle and E.L.B.O.W. first. As they distracted the dragon, they provided an opening for Stinkbreath to fire his heavy crossbow, Lucille. The crossbow was blessed by E.L.B.O.W. and, combined with the bolt of dragon slaying, Stinkbreath laid down a barrage of fire that soon overwhelmed the dragon. As the dragon was felled, it imploded into nothingness.

The Aftermath

With Zagar killed and the bulk of the draconians dispatched, Captain Eagerwhisper was able to rally his soldiers and secure the Rock once again. Margrax was soon found and taken by the Imperial Fleet. Once again, the Rat Pack was recognized as the Heroes of Bral and now all of Realmspace.


After everything had settled down, Azid took Carvedous back to his asteroid lair along with the Tome of Emirkol. He planned on becoming a lich and slowly tormenting Carvedous until he eventually killed him.


E.L.B.O.W. also parted ways from the group. He went on to search for other autognomes that had served Master Carvedous. He wanted to free them and remind them that they had a soul and free will of their own.

Geasle and Stinkbreath

Geasle remained on Bral with his brother. Geasle wanted to continue to operate the tavern and this pleased Azid, who felt that he needed the establishment to use as a cover should he ever return to Bral.
Stinkbreath remained on Bral for a different reason, though. He found Maya of the Rock Rat after the battle and the two were eventually married. Frank was eventually released from his time under the city and he became friends with his former rival.


The plasmoid pilot went to Collier in search of their kin. Glebnor established dominance over them first thing and then aided them in restoring the spelljammer that had once belonged to Zerath.
The Rat Pack
Report Date
04 Feb 2024
Primary Location
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