Humans Species in Midgard | World Anvil
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The humans of Midgard are both numerous and thriving, with kingdoms and duchies and small settlements scattered from shore to steppes and from icy vastness to searing sands. Human racial traits conform to the 5e standard traits for humans. For additional traits and abilities, see the Midgard Heroes Handbook for 5th Edition (MHH).  


Variations in culture and languages categorize humans into seven main groups and many smaller ones.  


The descendants of the nine magocracies—Allain, Andarre, Barsella, Caelmarath, Carnessa, Cassilon, Molovosch, Uxloon, and Vael Turog—are a pasty lot, with hair varying from rust-red to moss-green as common as black or brown. Some claim that the Caelmarans are all tainted by association with demons and devils, pointing to the high prevalence of tieflings among the shattered towns and deserts of the West. Caelmarans speak Common, though many also speak the Northern Tongue.


The numerous Dornigfolk of the Great Duchy have skin ranging from pink-white to a watery brown, and hair from brown to blond, though red hair is largely unknown. The Dornigfolk pride themselves on their work ethic and their elven empress, and they consider themselves the last bastion of the true Empire of Thorn. Those pretenders in Valera arouse only their pity and scorn. Dornigfolk speak Elvish and Common.


The people of the great southern bastion of Nuria Natal are the best known of the Kushites, but this group also includes the desert folk, the Siwalese, the Mharoti humans, and many others. While all share mahogany skin and dark hair, their rulers and customs are quite different. Kushites take great pride in their status as the first and greatest of the human kingdoms. Most speak Nurian and many also speak Southern dialect or Draconic.


Dark-haired and customarily green-eyed, the Magdar are beautiful and relatively tall among humans. They have rich, musical voices and an efficient way with horses and oxen. Though many Magdar ride the Rothenian Plain or wander far afield as mercenaries or adventurers, their kingdom is a strong one, and the Magdar are bold explorers and fighters. A few Magdar have a regrettable tendency to drunkenness. They speak Common, and a few speak Draconic or the Northern Tongue.


Pale and tall and strong, the Northlanders are a race of survivors and warriors. Their hair runs to pale blond or even white, sometimes with golden or red streaks. Their eyes are often a piercing blue or purple. They speak the Northern Tongue, and many also speak Dwarvish or Trollkin.


Dark-skinned and eagle-nosed, the Roshgazi are associated with their friends the minotaurs. They roam the western deserts of the Southlands as well as dwell in small villages in Capleon, Kyprion, and Cindass. They speak Roshgazi, a language closely related to Minotaur. Speakers of either language can understand the other.


Olive-skinned and dark-haired, the people of the Seven Cities, Rumela, and Kyprion call themselves the Manzaro, but most others call them the Septimes. They are a small and swift people, quick-speaking and sometimes too quick with a blade. They speak Common and a dialect they call Valeran.

Other Peoples:

Dozens of smaller groups of humans consider themselves distinct from their neighbors, including the Kariv, Khazzaki, Mharoti, Khandirians, Nurians, Olandska, Toar, and Vadi. Most speak Common and have a private language of their own.

The Elfmarked

Although the elven race is in decline and its members are scattered, the elves created a lasting legacy. In addition to the obvious reminders of their past greatness—ruined cities and straight, level roads—they left an invisible mark in the elven blood that courses throughout Midgard’s people. The so-called elfmarked are the result of unions between elves and humans. Elven blood running through their veins ties the elfmarked to the realms of the fey; some trace their lineage back to the great elves of ages long ago.
The elfmarked are spread throughout the kingdoms of Midgard. They mingle with humans and other races in cosmopolitan cities and rustic villages, the latent power in their blood always whispering in their subtly pointed ears.
Elfmarked use half-elf traits.


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