The Eye of Loki Prose in Midgard | World Anvil

The Eye of Loki

It's a pirate’s life full of toil and strife
We sea wolves undergo
And we won't turn away when the world turns gray
Rising up from down below
For we're infernal bound from the sacred ground
With a strong ship fast and free
And we won’t turn away from the monstrosity
Born from the Eye of Ol' Loki
Crashing down the Eye of Loki, me boys
Born from the Eye of Ol' Loki
We're infernal bound from the sacred ground
Born from the Eye of Ol' Loki
As it rises up, casting shadows about
With storm, and fear, and death
That gaping maw, that swiping tail
My love, I know I'll fail
But we won’t give up our victory
We’ll face the monstrosity
But now we're bound for infernal ground
Born from the Eye of Ol' Loki
Crashing down the Eye of Loki, me boys
Born from the Eye of Ol' Loki
We're infernal bound from the sacred ground Born from the Eye of Ol' Loki
And then that tail, comes crashing down
Sinking our, only home
Our pillage gone, out mainmast split
And we ain't got long to go
It’s crashing roar is carried away
What care we for that sound
A living hell is after us
Hang on, we're infernal bound
Crashing down the Eye of Loki, me boys
Born from the Eye of Ol' Loki
We're infernal bound from the sacred ground
Born from the Eye of Ol' Loki
How soft the gaze of Hel herself
Now my love I’m close nearby
That choking breath, that mountainous shell
Me boys, I say farwell
And as it slams we slowly fall
Staring death right in the teeth
Our shredded sails swallowed down it’s throat
Born from the Eye of Ol' Loki
Crashing down the Eye of Loki, me boys
Born from the Eye of Ol' Loki
We're infernal bound from the sacred ground
Born from the Eye of Ol' Loki
Crashing down the Eye of Loki, me boys
Born from the Eye of Ol' Loki
We're infernal bound from the sacred ground Born from the Eye of Ol' Loki...
An old sea shanty sung amongst pirates and sailors. It tells the tale of a widowed man singing about a journey to his deceased wife. He sings about the treatorous journey he and his crew made to the center of the world, or the Eye of Loki. The writer is said to be one of the very few who have journeyed so close and lived, yet his identity remains unknown.
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