Bree-Town Hall Building / Landmark in Middle-Earth | World Anvil
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Bree-Town Hall

It is located in the eastern part of town, at the crossroads of the Great East Road, the road to Staddle, and local alleys. The great road runs past the northern Market Square and Trader's Gate and continues south via the Woodsmen's Gate and South Gate beyond. The western alleys connects to Jasmine's Garden as well as the Stone Quarter beyond. This is also the building where you are able to find the mayor of Bree.   It is also Bree’s court-house. The Reeve’s herald — usually, a young fellow who knows his letters — stands on the raised porch of the house and reads proclamations and by-laws made by the Reeve on market days. Documents and records are stored upstairs. Village legend claims that there is a vault in the basement that not only holds a fortune in silver, but also jewels and wonders from days of old, carried out of the ruins of the North-kingdom; in truth, the vault mainly contains bottles of Old Win yards and some cured hams.  


Manor house / Meeting hall