Sun-Sickness Condition in Midara | World Anvil
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Sun-sickness manifests in those who have been over-exposed to the light of the Tame-Suns. For the adherents of the Sun Cult, city life is a constant balancing act of basking in the Tame-Suns' magnificence against time spent recovering and reflecting on their light.
The sickness cannot be transmitted from person to person, and is only acquired by spending too much time in the glory of the Tame-Suns. Acute exposure to high-intensity light can be just as dangerous as the prolonged exposure more commonly experienced by members of the Sun Cult.


Physical symptoms of Sun-Sickness are minor, and most commonly manifest as a golden halo around the edges of the eyes. Individuals who have received a massive dose of the Tame-Sun light may have this halo extend to cover the entire eyeball, invariably leading to blindness for as long as the symptoms are exhibited.
The psychological effects of Sun-Sickness are initially displayed as an increased irritability amongst sufferers, as well as a compulsion to increase their proximity to the Tame-Suns. As the affliction progresses, sufferers begin to see the world only in terms of light and not-light, unable to pick out colours or distances. Those affected also display an increased desire to be in the proximity of the Tame-Suns, a compulsion that only hastens the onset of the final stages of the illness.
As the condition reaches its climax, the afflicted are driven to become one with the Tame-Suns, rushing to embrace them in their cages, or setting themselves alight so that they may become their own sun. Those that can be restrained or otherwise prevented from immolation usually return to normal behaviour within a couple of weeks.


The illness can be managed simply by restricting access to the Tame-Suns' light, but the psychological effects of Sun-Sickness often renders this difficult. A programme of limited and carefully monitored exposure has been known to reduce the distress that lack of sunlight causes, without causing the illness to worsen.


Those who have survived the final stages of Sun-Sickness are able to return to normal behaviour within a few weeks, but are often affected by a certain darkness around the eyes, as well as a subdued and woebegone demeanour, as though they were the losing party in a great battle.

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