La Sociedad Organization in Miami By Night | World Anvil

La Sociedad

“The Society” has an impressive pedigree within Clan Lasombra, existing in some form since the 15th century and the conclusion of the Iberian Reconquista. Its original founders were members of the First Anarch Revolt, the childer of Castilian Lasombra resentful at being passed over by their sires. Although the pack moved to the New World in 1623, its character remained the same: that of an elite fraternity of Keepers, each assisting the other according to a cold code of survival of the fittest. Since coming under Luis Miguel de Mendoza in the early 20th century, however, La Sociedad has become synonymous with the Archbishop, his childer, and his hangers-on, diminishing its reputation somewhat.   Since the surviving members of the pack are the Archbishop and his progeny, the members of La Sociedad are as close as family. They each have Vinculum ratings of at least 5 with one another, but beyond that, their relationships are primarily those of a patriarch with his chief descendants. Despite these deep bonds, however, the pack is not exactly a happy one, just more complex.

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