Session 56: Silencing the Ancestors Report Report in Meterra | World Anvil
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Session 56: Silencing the Ancestors Report

General Summary

The Return to Herin

The party, having defeated Scodorm and sent him back from whence he came, looted his cave, finding a mask as well as a quantity of precious metals.
  They left the cave, Thrack carrying Rukk's unconscious form as they went, and found Etimi , the yeti who had led them here, confronting a competing group of yeti outside. After a brief conversation Etimi suggested the small folk leave, he would deai with the Yeti politics. He only asked that the party pass on his request for acknowledgement of Yeti as a part of giant society.
  The party fled as best they could, many of their number badly injured. Eventually they made it back to the outskirts of Herin where
" href="/w/meterra-betaroyal/a/andrak-barella-article">Andrak Barella and Bror were waiting for them.
  Andrak explained that he had, perhaps, been a little overzealous when the party has agreed to assist them in silencing the ancestors, and had spread the word round. A large group were prepared to deal with them. He did, though, note the condition of our heroes and suggested a rest might be in order, although the longer they left it the more likely the plot would be found out by the Elders.

A Brief Respite

The party moved back into their quarters in town, resting and recovering before the coming battle. Rukk and Gortan were taken away to a hospital for fighters in the ceremonial battles that took place in the city.
  Rukk, while not completely cured, the horrific scars still remained, was able to walk and functionally act as normal. Gortan, however, was less able to do so, one of his forearms was badly broken in two places and he could barely use it. As the party were about to head into the caves beneath the Ancestors' rest, he informed them that he would not be able to continue with them, at least for a while, until he got back the use of his arm.
  In his place, he had met a pit fighter, a minotaur by the name of Luscious Ludovic, a famed gladiator and entertainer. He had agreed to come in Gortan's place, primarily for his own glory, and anyone else who wanted to tag along.

Quietening the Ancestors

The group therefore set off, with Andrak leading them down into the crypts below Ancestors' Rest, along with Bror and a group of equally tough-looking Goliath.
  About half way through these tunnels, Bror and his goliaths stopped, explaining they would deal with anything that came down this way after them. Andrak and our heroes continued on.
  They emerged into a huge chamber, which housed eight immense tombs. This, Andrak explained, was where the Ancestors had been buried.
  Andrak drank his altered Ancestors' Draught which, as it turns out, blinded him. He needed to be directed to which tomb to cleanse each turn.
  As the party entered the chamber they were accosted by a spirit, immense and imposing on the far side of the room, a ghost which demanded they explain their presence here.
  As they did, Tarvy instructed Andrak to cleanse the Fire Giant's tomb, which he duly did. The spirit whirled up in anger, and a fight began, spirits poaring from the walls of the sarcophagi to confront the heroes.
  The fight continued for a while, with Andrak steadily on the players' instructions, cleansing tomb after tomb.
  As the number of spirits diminished, only 2 remained, the frost and hill giant. The frost giant's spirit was silenced briefly by being physically defeated, though its tomb still glowed with power.
  Hal and Ludovic disagreed on which spirit to cleanse next, and Hal ended up counterspelling Andrak to prevent him from doing so.
  Hal demanded to know exactly what had happened to the Hill giants aeons ago. Andrak explained that the ancestor of the Hill giants had themselves been sent to fight against Scodorm, and had themselves been defeated. The other giants had allowed this to happen to give them an advantage and the opportunity to defeat Scodorm for good. The hill giant had been a sacrifice worth making and, the once intelligent giants were cursed by Scodorm's fell magics that their descendents would be both the weakest and stupidest of giants.
  The spirit of the Hill giant floated forwards, explaining that it understood their animosity and was prepared to accept his fate along with his fellow ancestors. Ludovic hefted his warhammer and moved to strike the spirit as Hal advanced too, turning at the last moment to face off with Ludovic.

Rewards Granted

Scodorm's Death Mask
Treasure from Algarath
The Fulcrum
Hallaster Hallenbok
Jaeger Tarvy
Gortan Pegg
Blaize Morreghan
Rukkus Fleetfoot
Report Date
23 May 2020
Primary Location

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