City of Veritas Settlement in Meterra | World Anvil
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City of Veritas

This article relates to the city of Veritas, click here if you are looking for the nation of Veritas.   The capital of Veritas, it shares the name of the nation it represents as it is its origin, a city state that has gradually expanded around the whole of the Vermor Sea, but which maintains close ties to its roots.   It is a hub of magic and technology in combination. Inhabited by some of the greatest minds on Apias, Vedalken Scholars, Hobgoblin tacticians and cunning merchants of all colours and creeds. With that intelligence comes a certain pride, and it shows manifest throughout with technologies which surpass most of the rest of the continent.   It is a city that prides itself on its intellect, artifice and the pursuit of perfection. The home of the Glassgol, the university of the Blue Bloods, and being a place where a visitor would be just as likely to see robotic warforged troops as they would be to see merchants selling the arms they carry.   The city itself is broken down into thirteen distinct districts, each with their own atmosphere, personality and inhabitants. The descriptions of these and their most notable inhabitants are found below.  

Table of Contents

  • The Seat of the Triumvirate
  • The Scholars
  • The Warbands
  • The Merchants' Association
  • The Unaffiliated
  • The Outskirts
  • The Seat of the Triumvirate

    Three key factions dominate the city's politics, governing the city from one central location.  



    The government precinct, and home to the Sened, the impressive hall where the Triumvirate's most important decisions are made.   It is kept deliberately separate from the zones of influence of the three members of the Triumvirate, acting as neutral territory.   While reasoned quarrels are permitted, violence and the spilling of blood are strictly forbidden, with a squadron of knights, the Peacekeepers, who are sworn, bound by oath to gods and nation maintain that peace at all costs.  

    Parties of Interest

    The Peacekeepers

    Goal: Maintain peace and strong governance in Veritas.
    • Chokosh Norjeon - Male Simic Hybrid. Commander of the Peacekeepers. One of the highest ranking religious figures in the city. Devout to both church and state.
    • Adney Page - Female Elf-Blood. First lieutenant of Chokosh.

    The Administrators

    Goal: To ensure the smooth running of government matters in Veritas.
    • Catrin Prothero - Female Vedalken. Chief administrator of the Senedd, responsible for making sure everything runs smoothly.
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    The Scholars

    The scientists in the city are largely affiliated with the Blue Bloods, whose primary residence is in the city. Many scientists, however, do not work directly within the Glassgol, instead living and working outside the university's walls.  


    The Glassgol

    The university of the Blue Bloods, and their primary research facility. It is the lynch pin of Vedalken society and much of their research prioritises their search for perfection.   The university itself provides both educational and research purposes. Both of these do overlap, with specialists in fields educating those deemed suited to learning. No house, however, shares its more esoteric knowledge lightly, with many jealously guarding their secrets and keeping them within the family.   The Blue Bloods, the organisation which runs the university as a whole, also have their own secrets, and secrets within secrets, some secrets only their heads know. The true Blue Bloods, those taken into the organisation proper, are not a family, but they are a sealed unit of secrets. Those entering are rigorously tested for any mental weakness before being told any of the more sensitive secrets. Many of the higher echelons of the Blue Bloods long ago gave up their family name, taking on one of their choosing.   The research done by by these individuals is some of the most important, and dangerous, in all of Apias.  

    Haigath Fatri

    The Scholar's Quarter, and where one would find the majority of the Vedalken in the city, those not housed in the Glassgol at least.   This district is scattered with towers, with small airships frequently flying between them. Steam rises from laboratories and homes, where varied and esoteric experimentation is often going on.   The population of this part of the city are heavily scientifically and technologically minded, with many studios and laboratories scattered across the sector. Even those families who lecture and work in the university often live within this district, preferring the hustle and bustle of city life over the rather austere and overbearing university. There is also little space to actually live within the Glassgol's walls.   Many houses hold sway across the sector (most with representatives who teach at the Glassgol), and these houses work together for next potential breakthrough in their field. It is a competitive part of the city with every discovery being heralded and commended within the Blue Bloods, and with that commendation comes influence and responsibility. It is well known that when the Blue Bloods induct new full members, they look in the highest commended houses first.  

    Parties of Interest

    The Blue Bloods

    Goal: Reach heights of understanding hitherto unseen.
    • Chancellor Morgana Kindrick - Female vedalken and leader of the Blue Bloods. Little is truly known about her past, however, to many Vedalken she is the closest living representation of perfection that can be found.
    • Cadel the Lost - Male Vedalken. Little known about his function, but usually seen observing students and lecturers within the Glassgol.
    • Garth ap Vermor - Male Vedalken. Fearsome reputation as an enforcer for the Blue Bloods.

    House Lewist

    Goal: Gain total understanding of the Warforged and Artifice
    • Tielo Lewist - Male Vedalken. Old and well regarded throughout the city. Master of Warforged within the Glassgol, and has been for very many years.
    • Kenyon Lewist - Male Vedalken. Greatest and eldest of four sons, highly accomplished enchanter of magic items. Other sons all out on Pilgrimage.

    House Ovlellot

    Goal: Gain total understanding of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure
    • Bevan Ovlellot - Male Vedalken. Relatively young to be the head of a house by Vedalken standards, parents died a few years ago in a laboratory accident. He has continued their work for the Blue Bloods.
    • Cerian Ovlellot - Female Vedalken. Younger sister of Bevan. One of the chief engineers in the city.

    House Ethat

    Goal: Gain total understanding of Evocation Magics
    • Mervyn Ethat - Male Vedalken. Evoker supreme who works primarily within the university and seldom seen outside it. Has never married nor has any children, is the last of his bloodline.

    House Advizod

    Goal: Gain total understanding of Transmutation Magics
    • Prydwen Advizod - Female Vedalken. One of the highest ranking members of the Blue Bloods, specialises in Transformation, though much of research not outwardly known.
    • Cate Avizod - Female Vedalken. Proficient mage and aspiring educator. Recently returned from pilgrimage.

    House Llavinos

    Goal: Gain total understanding of Dragon Lore
    • Wynford Llavinos - Male Vedalken. Retired from education and largely spends time in study and meditation in the family manor.
    • Lellwin Llavinos - Female Vedalken. Educator in the Glassgol on Dragon Lore. Married to Terrant Hallenbok.

    House Kester

    Goal: Gain total understanding of the history of Apias
    • Kerwyn Kester - Male Vedalken. Antique father of the house, believed to be the oldest Vedalken in the city.
    • Tanwen Kester - Female Vedalken. Primary teacher of history at the Glassgol.

    House Hallenbok

    Goal: Gain more influence in Veritas through research, primarily around Dragons and Elves.
    • Jellia Hallenbok - Female Vedalken, and primary reason for this small house's rise. Resurrected the ancient Elven art of Bladesinging, though Hallaster Hallenbok has been her only successful student.
    • Barrum Hallenbok - Male Vedalken. Little notable research, however, very well connected among the other families and factions of the city.
    • Terrant Hallenbok - Male Vedalken. Educator in the Glassgol on Elven Lore. Married to Lellwin Llavinos.
    • Jondo Hallenbok - Male Vedalken. Ambitions researcher particularly interested in dragons and their kin. Currently on Pilgrimage.
    • Allyse Hallenbok - Female Vedalken. Proficient warrior and mage, researching Elven lore. Currently on Pilgrimage.
    • Mallor Hallenbok - Male Vedalken. Proficient warrior and mage. Presumed on Pilgrimage.
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    The Warbands

    Hobgoblins in the most part, the warbands are a vital part of Veritan life. There is usually at least one warband stationed in the city both for its defence and to exercise a degree of authority. Typically, while there is fierce competition between warbands for skill and prowess in battle, there is not true animosity between many of the bands, tolerating each other and able to remain stationed in close proximity without bloodshed.   Those hobgoblins who are not actively serving retain their ties to the warband and have formed their own district within the city, largely providing services to those warbands currently stationed in and around the city.  


    Fortress Rhyfel

    Fortress Rhyfel - the large austere fortess looming over the Haigath Fatri - is the primary home to the leading hobgoblin warband in the city, a jewel in their crown, it houses much of the active garrison.   Currently, and for several years, it has been held by Dravok Rush, whose warband significantly outnumbers that of any other single commander. He has the unquestioned loyalty of his troops, and has fostered alliances among several of the other warbands, significantly improving the stability of the city during his tenure.  

    Baric's Yard

    This large district dominating much of the centre of the city is the home of much of its military might. Members of warbands not stationed in the fortress primarily live here, often with their families or in groups of their comrades.   As well as housing the warbands it also houses those individuals who have chosen to leave the military after their service, living family lives with jobs. These jobs, while not a part of the military, are usually military adjacent - such as taverns and boarding houses catering to members of warbands on leave, or shops selling luxuries which troops eagerly buy up. While this is not the richest part of the city, the economy is very stable and many merchants know they have a captive audience.  

    Parties of Interest

    The Rush (6,000 Warriors)

    Goal: Retain stability in the city. Ensure the warbands are treated with the respect they deserve.
    • Dravok Rush - Male Hobgoblin. Grizzled general who has been well seasoned from years of conflict. Many of the last few years have been spent dealing with the politics of the city. Has proven himself not only to be a mighty general, but also a skilled diplomat and politician.
    • Azered the Dancer- Male Hobgoblin. Young and fiery upstart from the Rush's ranks, chief among Dravok's chosen warriors.

    Band Drok (4,000 Warriors)

    Goal: Overtake the Rush. Ensure Veritas has the respect it deserves internationally.
    • Ganum Drok - Male Hobgoblin. Hereditary warband leader with designs on taking the Rush's position.
    • Urala Drok - Female Hobgoblin. Trained mage and warrior, chosen over her older brothers as heir to the warband.

    The Krakand (3,000 Warriors)

    Goal: Prove their might in combat. Retain alliance with the Rush.
    • Krak - Male Hobgoblin. Immense musculature with a fearsome reputation who founded and leads the Krakand.

    The Hook (3,000 Warriors)

    Goal: Remove the Rush from their position of dominance. Establish Band Drok in Rhyfel.
    • Grodomere the Hook - Male Hobgoblin. Oldest of the Warband's leaders, has lost an replaced various body parts over the years. Welcomes magitech enhancements among his troops.

    The Band of Kred the Sabre (2,000 Warriors)

    Goal: Expand numbers of recruits. Develop more powerful military technologies. Retain status quo.
    • Kred the Sabre - Male Hobgoblin. The closest to a scientist among the warband leaders, rumoured to have his own laboratory somewhere in the city developing powerful weapons.

    Band Felgag (1,000 Warriors)

    Goal: Rebuild name and strength after several crushing defeats.
    • Kul Felgag - Male Hobgoblin. Well experienced in combat and war, but has always had terrible luck, not for want of skill. Frequently recruits non-hobgoblins.
    • Kyra Rodin - Female Tiefling. Adopted daughter of Kul Felgag, and skilled warrior in her own right, helps manage the warband.

    Band Reklon (1,000 Warriors)

    Goal: Grow to be one of the greatest powers in all of Veritas.
    • Govoh Kadevil - Male Hobgoblin. Young and highly ambitious leader, steadily growing in power and influence over the years. Notorious for violent mood swings - irresistible charm to furious rage or anywhere in between.

    Small Warbands and Independents (5,000 Warriors)

    Goal: No clear tenets, a mixed group with mixed motivations.
    • Rami the Mouth - Male Hobgoblin. Middle aged, and very capable but has never risen through the ranks to lead a band of his own. Speaks for those without a warband.
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    The Merchants' Association

    The Merchants have done well out of Veritas, and have commanded seats in government for years, though, aside from a very brief and turbulent period have never attained full control. They do, however, control much of the wealth that flows into the city, and thus have managed to cultivate some of the most magnificent property. Many businesses are also affiliated with the association, receiving financial support and guidance from one guild or another in exchange for a proportion of the profits.  


    Calon Heights

    The richest quarter of the city, a testament to the magical and technological prowess of its citizens. Built on land reclaimed from the Glasrhyd river, its properties stand strident in the centre of the city.   Though Veritas is a densely populated where hard work is done by the majority, that is not obvious here. Large, beautiful structures are everywhere with relatively few people. Many of these structures are compounds belonging to various rich and powerful individuals.   While the district is dominated by the Guildmasters of the Merchants' Association, there are representatives of all the major factions in the city here. Having a property in this part of the city is, to many, a sign of significant prestige and wealth.   This district is the most luxurious in the city, and as such the entertainments are hedonistic, fine dining and wine sipping are the norm, with several of the highest class and most discrete brothels can be found here. Visitors pay for their patronage here though.  

    Plenach Quarter

    If Calon Heights are a place of hedonism and frivolity, the Plenach is almost the opposite, a crowded district with factories and businesses everywhere there can be.   Almost every business here is subsidised by one or other of the Guilds in the city, powerful entities who control much of the business that takes places as well as taking their cut.   All sorts of races are employed here, with kobolds being a large part of the industrious workforce, but Vedalken, Hobgoblin and any other race are just as likely to be seen.   It also plays host to several airship depots, some private for the guilds but others facilitating trade with other nations, in particular The Gleaming Wing Trading Company, who has offices and influence with many of the guilds.  

    Parties of Interest


    Goal: Further the wealth and prosperity of its members.
    • Hykka Cefnach - Male Elf-Blood. Guildmaster, highly business savvy, very wealthy for a reason, very selective about his company.
    • Tegan Cefnach -Female Elf-Blood. One of the most eligible women in the city, sole heir to the Cefnach family. Worries that she doesn't fit the mould though.

    The Goldenglove

    Goal: Ensure the security of trade and traders within the city.
    • Erasmo la Spina - Male Human. Dangerous and deadly leader of the Goldenglove. Recently promoted through the ranks and eager to prove his worth.
    • Pearl X - Female Simic Hybrid. Little known about this person apart from her name and that she fixes problems for the Association.

    Makers' Guild

    Goal: Ensure its members are acknowledged for the work that they do.
    • Morven "Feather Brain" - Male Aarakocra. Steady and sensible guildmaster. Well regarded by many and seen as a highly moderating force in the Merchants' association.
    • Rosetta "Golden Hair" - Female Kenku. Regarded as the greatest alchemist in the city outside of the Glassgol. Seldom speaks but often spoken of.

    The Blacktree Caravan

    Goal: Consolidate and expand the influence of the Association within the city.
    • Kella Qu - Female Aarakocra The Venerable Elder of Blacktree. Enfeebled by age, but still highly savvy and dangerous to negotiate with.
    • Eleja Dealmade - Female Orc. Younger than her guildmaster, but more ambitious and potentially dangerous to those who get in her way.

    Graft Street

    Goal: Bring together and pool the resources of the less legal professions.
    • Nell Tyrell - Female Mongrel. Guildmaster by title, but doesn't do much organising of anything. A seedy reputation, tied up with various unsavoury professions. Potentially lethal both on and off the gambling table.
    • Zadock Bethel - Male Goblin. Guildmaster in all but name, responsible for the above board activities of the guild
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    The Unaffiliated

    There are districts inside the city walls which are not under the direct control of any of the major factions, and are motivated to retain that level of neutrality.  


    Port Aritrae

    The port is vital to all walks of life within the city, and as such is not directly controlled by any one faction. The Warbands locate ships there, the scientists have research vessels moored and the merchants have their mercantile fleets.   While there is, at first glance, little to distinguish the buildings of Aritrae from those of the neighbouring Plenach, they are quite different, with far fewer actual production and construction going on by the port. In addition, many of the shops here are unaffiliated to any faction, with many more independent stores and private businesses.  

    Tramor Estron

    The Foreigners' district, this is where the majority of those non-native races live within the city, opting to stay together rather than being subsumed into the body of one of the three major factions.   Not a rich district by any means, but not impoverished, while people live fairly tightly packed here, unemployment is low and many have skills that the native population simply lack. Consequently, this district is one where scouts representing each member of the triumvirate frequently pass through when looking for new talent to bring on board.   The atmosphere is friendly to newcomers, with numerous boarding houses and taverns set up with just those clientele in mind. It is in fact, outside of Plenach, the area with the highest number of businesses of all sorts. The quality of service varies more than in Plenach, but a purchaser can be safe in the knowledge that the money paid here is usually going to the owner of the shop and not an already immensely Merchant Lord in Calon Heights.  

    Parties of Interest

    The Admiralty

    Goal: Ensure the good running of Aritrae, and ensure the district maintains its neutrality.
    • Erving Searider - Male Water Genasi. Aritrae's admiral, responsible for managing the affairs on shore. Also responsible for policing what goes in and out of the port. Former ship's captain who now enjoys life on land.
    • Krik Krok - Male Black Kobold. The Admiral's assistant and former ship's mate. Gifted spellcaster and manager.

    The Foreigners

    Goal: People come to the city for all sorts of reasons. There is no one goal here.
    • Goraprax Thilkud - Male White Dragonborn. Keeps one of the largest and most popular taverns in the city, The Grateful Champion, frequented by foreigners and locals alike.
    • Culver Brent - Male Elf-Blood. Captain of the Untamed Dalliance, a ship newly come into port in the city.
    • Vela val'Cai - Female Aasimar. Long time resident in the city, a known philanthropist and talented divine magic user. Operates as one of the few Paedatores in the city, leading sermons from her own home.
    • Gabbie Jolity - Female Water Genasi. Helps out foreign businesses in the city, acting as a sort of Guildmaster, helping them with what they need and where they need it.
    • Tecton Sakalou - Male Tiefling. Runs one of the few successful laboratories within the city outside of the influence of the scholars. Not known what the outcomes if any of his research are.
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    The Outskirts

    There are several communities outside the walls of the city, with their own loyalties and affiliations. Often these are some of the most impoverished and crime-ridden neighbourhoods of Veritas.  



    "Kobold City", on the surface, a small area just outside the city's walls, beneath the surface, however, it is much larger thatn it appears, with a huge network of caves and caverns leading both around the district and into the city itself.   The kobolds here are largely employed by the shops and manufactories in Plenach. They are industrious and work hard, long hours without complaint making them prized by many of the Merchants' Association. A skilled kobold is a coveted asset and able to command something of a premium for their services in the city.   As well as being hard working the kobolds also are highly creative and ingenious as engineers, many kobolds are employed by houses Lewist and Ovlellot in their experiments and production facilities.   Kobolds are seen across the city doing all manner of jobs that nobody else would do, largely without complaint and without any form of representation in the Senedd.  

    Ferm & Creft

    The farmers' district, providing much of the food consumed within the city. The farmers here are largely bound to the Blacktree Caravan or one of the other guilds in the Merchants' Association.   Those that live here are largely poor, but they are very well equipped with machinery from the city which helps fewer workers produce more food, increasing the number of people free to perform other roles within the city and as a result hugely improves the city's productivity.  

    The Waels

    The city's poorest district, largely those who are down on their luck or criminally minded end up here.   If looking for insalubrious brothels, dangerous loansharks or unquestioning blades for hire, this is the place to go in the city.  


    Unlicensed research and magic is not permitted within Veritas. In order to do so an individual needs support from one of the major houses in the city, all affiliated with the triumvirate.   Those who fail to, or are trying to prove themselves, usually end up in Perdy (as it is colloquially known).   Perdy was originally designated as an area for just such activities, however, as the city has grown so has Perdy. Given the fact that the triumvirate seldom police it, save in dire circumstances, it retains a level of independence from the triumvirate.   That independence has meant that it has begun to attract researchers and mages of its own, those who shy away from the bureaucracy of the main city.   In addition, unlike The Waels, Perdy has money, with members of the triumvirate and elsewhere providing tacit support to their researches, without having to directly bring them into the city. Perdy's citizens have a standard of living comparable with many within the city, but without the kudos or shackles of living within it.   Over the years, the area has therefore become a semi-autonomous settlement right on Veritas' doorstep.  

    Parties of Interest

    The Workers

    Goal: Keep heads down and maintain a steady job.
    • Orba the Smart - Female Red Kobold. One of the leading kobolds within Trefach, the closest thing the kobolds have to someone on the Senedd.
    • Yagg Ferby - Female Hobgoblin. Heads Goldenroot farmers, a group of farms within Ferm & Creft which does very well for themselves. Formerly a high ranking member of The Rush.

    The Criminal Element

    Goal: A mixed group, with all sorts of motivations leading them down a path of crime.
    • Annag Brokain- Female Hobgoblin. Familiar face to many in the Waels. One of the few who openly travels in and out of the city itself on a regular basis. Though involved in crime also runs a successful pawnbroker and loanshark.
    • Mata Angrakain - Male Halfling. Infamous pickpocket and burglar. Regarded highly by many in the Waels.
    • Ozroc Crush- Male Hobgoblin. Dangerous and unpredictable thug. An enforcer for Scylax and his criminal enterprises.
    • Scylax - Male Tiefling. The closest thing to a mob boss in the city. Keeps the Red Hand at bay and keeps a relatively low profile.

    The Outcast Scholars

    Goal: Complete their own, largely private, researches
    • Guno Wren - Male Vedalken. Leader of a longstanding family in Perdy, any research done is kept highly secretive.
    • Nerys Darkeye - Female Vedalken. Rumoured to have been removed from office for heinous magics some years ago. Known to reside in Perdy.
    • Hasso Fleshbender - Male Human. A nightmarish individual, half myth half reality, rumoured to conduct experiments around necromancy and other darker magics.
    • Zashud the Seer - Male Hobgoblin. Little known but recently kicked out of the Rush and now resides in Perdy. Crimes or otherwise unknown.
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    • Veritas
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