The Horsemen of the Apocalypse Character in Metaclash: Digital Avatars of Destruction | World Anvil

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The inception of Machina remains shrouded in mystery. Its roots are thought to extend back to the tumultuous years of the Invictus Revolution, where cities on the outskirts of conflict served as fertile soil for the political maneuvering and intelligence efforts of the future Machina leaders. Tales tell of four enigmatic preachers known as the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, who traversed thousands of peripheral cities. They lambasted Telum and Invictus as brutal and corrupt continuations of the old world, indifferent to the plight of the disadvantaged. Accounts of clandestine gatherings between the Horsemen and city leaders abound, where they propagated their ambitious vision of a technologically driven society, a potential panacea for the world's woes. Their primary objective was to propose an alternative to the civil-war-like conflict perpetuated by Telum and Invictus. From these distant territories, a formidable legion of cities secretly dedicated themselves to Machina's cause, amassing materials even scarcer than those of Invictus. They silently transformed into a robust army of DADs, formidable enough to confront their established adversaries. Only weeks after the Invictus revolution, the Horsemen of the Apocalypse declared the establishment of Machina, proclaiming themselves as adversaries of the corruption embodied by their newly minted enemies. Machina became a beacon of hope for many cities beleaguered by the relentless Pandora, offering a third option that commanded respect. The Horsemen of the Apocalypse symbolized an alternative for those yearning for genuine change. However, Machina's methods are not exempt from the very brutality they profess to oppose. Notorious for their strict discipline, they enforce harsh punishments on those who dare violate their rules or question the enigmatic and covert nature of their leadership.


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