Oudkr Species in Meskou | World Anvil
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Oudkrs, often called Dragons, are mythical and powerful creatures often associated with the arcane, greed and war.  Their name Oudkr comes from the Skale tongue of the word "parent" a reference to how Oudkrs are the leaders of dragonic nests. They are found throughout the known world, with their largest populous laying within the continent of Jultren. They were nearly hunted to excitation during the War of the Flying Baron.  


They form nests and lay eggs that hatch into Skaal, who are treated as drones for the Oudkrs. Once the Oudkr is too unhealthy to continue their duties, some of the Oudkrs that were hatched and raised as royalty get the drones split equally between them(Or sometimes there is some fighting), and are sent off to find new nests, leaving the parent Oudkr to die alone.  


Oudkrs are reptilian with scales, often 2 pairs of legs, thick tails, razor-sharp teeth, and large leathery wings. Their scales and eyes come in a wide range of colours and tones, each resembling partially their abilities.   Adult Oudkrs are significantly larger than an average human trifling them and making them appear miniature, although full-blown adults are rare. Newborns are roughly the same size as a house cat but grow exponentially until they are the size of a great hound. They typically grow at a relatively quick pace, and by the age of a century, they are about the size of a wyvern.

Civilization and Culture


The Oudkrs were hunted nearly to extinction by the Infernal Emperors:Enser Flame, Lyniha Flame, Clementine Flame, and Mirna Flame during the War of the Flying Baron. The was sprung from the events of the Pact of Flame, a contract between the mortal queen Enser Flame between her and the divine Shesire to create the Ashen species out of the natives as a way to prepare for this war that the spirit Odhun warned Shesire about. It is said Shesire gave them a pair of her horns and ripped off Marduh's, the dragon spirit, tail for the betrayal that was eminent from him. However unknown to her, it was this action of ripping off his tail that led to him starting the war by taking his druids to Jultren to become the Huikliis and prepare to invade the land they fled from.   At this point in their history, the Oudkrs became spiritually bonded to their Huikliis riders, some of these riders grew so powerful that when they spoke in Skale they had full command over their dragonic mount. After the Treaty of the Flying Baron was signed in the year 0 AS, the Oudkr were still outlawed, but those that made up the riders(Huikliis), and the dragonic people the Skaal were permitted peace.


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