Occult Gemstones Document in Meskou | World Anvil
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Occult Gemstones

The book written by Rebekah Gludroww details the different attributes stones feature within the arcane space. The book never made it to print in her homeland of Amriga, rather being printed and published within Mashent, with few copies stretching across the world by the practitioners or hidden invocation.     It is written using the Coven System of old featuring these 6 decisions of magic: Enhancement, Transmutation, Emission, Conjuration, Manipulation, and Specialization. Specialization typically applies to all gemstones as it breaks the normal rules of the others.   Sapphire It is used in the changing of states, making it generally useful for most Transmutation based invocations. It helps to funnel the shifting state to prevent it from breaking loose.   Ruby It is useful for influencing the mind of someone with charms. The most common attributes are the temptation of mind, with the ruby making it harder to withhold lust to the temptation. Making it useful for Manipulation based spells.   Amethyst This gemstone is excellent as both a protector and aggressor when it comes to insanity, it enhances the effect of any mind-breaking illusion or summoned demon. This makes it useful in Emission, Conjuration and Manipulation.   Emerald It is used primarily in conjuration, either to help make the summon last longer, be able to physically interact, or for the most powerful of mages to become a part of reality.   Amber It is used primarily in warding abilities, acting similar to lead but with the ability to target specific magic. This makes it a great enhancement and some cases emission.   Diamond The most priced and rare gemstone, easily required to pull a soul and/or spirit back from the afterlife into a corpse. This is a limited use making it one of the few that is exclusively a Specialization.
Manual, Magical / Occult


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