LP-5: Shopping Episode Report in Meskou | World Anvil
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LP-5: Shopping Episode

General Summary

They made their way to the ex-capital of Hlanorheld, and instead of taking a rest within the walls, they proceeded outside to use some arcane shielding to sleep outside. The protection prevented them from any creature they interacted with. During one of their rests, there was a knock on the shield, which is concealed from the exterior. None of the group answered, believing the source wandered away, when the morning hit they discovered this was not the case. The individual was a courier from the Infernal Emperor herself notifying the group their time to complete the task has been cut in half to execute the dragon. Lahlo sent a letter back to Mirna Flame through the courier.   They then spent half the day shopping for goods and gathering essentials before departing the settlement by midday, giving them a shorter travel distance they could reach. With them slowly making their way towards a small fire just off the road.
Report Date
14 Jan 2023


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