Fool's Shackle Item in Meskou | World Anvil
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Fool's Shackle

Named the Fool's Shackle for the shame it caries amongst thieves. It is a sign of failure and distrust and often can get thief guilds members thrown out or executed.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Made with a cobalt core ring then laced in tungsten. The cobalt works to counteract any magical tampering and the tungsten to make it withstand any force applied.    Some will feature runes engraved which function as an additional ward or to force the shackled fool to confine to a set of rules laid out in the encryption.

Manufacturing process

The creation of the cobalt ring, then the tungsten coating created to fit in perfectly. And if required a section to engrave the copper powder ruins.


They were first created by the Avale Empire in order to brand their kin who were thieves as a way to counteract the absence of fingerprints before the Nienelirn became the prominent enforcement system.   But the practice fell out of style with it eventually becoming a nobles' way of punishing their enemies. This use of it spread rapidly covering most of the known continents.
Raw materials & Components
Cobalt, tungsten and often copper powder for lining the runes into.
General Smithing tools and precise enchanting equipment


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