Bryant Vecnal Character in Meskou | World Anvil
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Bryant Vecnal

Byrant was born as a worshipper of Jhetal in his early life but upon turning 18 he set out on his own path as a mercenary and eventually became the Jarl of Anchiddraach once he was 30 in 17AS.    He lived a flamboyant life hosting many luxurious banquets and festivals. He was very open with his worship of Marduh, with a brief study on magic he used his wisdom and intelligence to hold his province in prosperity.   He isn't scared to make bold statements that could cause civil conflict and is often harsh with what he wants, but in face of those, he wishes to impress he smothers them in riches to get them to do his bidding.
Year of Birth
13 PS 28 Years old
Dim golden glow
short, grey with whited tips
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned rose, lots of indents


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