Bargh Nym Dhlarg Document in Meskou | World Anvil
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Bargh Nym Dhlarg

Named in the Ahgrondani tongue it translates directly to "Birth of Death", however death in this context is theorized to not contain the same connotations as in Serenity.   The book was written by an ancient Chinderin  invocator who went by the name "Boahd Gahircyn" translating directly to "Blood forgive", the names intended translation remains unkown. It documents the rights of the dark arts, commonly known as necromancy. It ranges from details on how to prepare a body properly to the process of reaching Lichdom.  It is written beautifully and filled with details leaving barely any guess work on the reader.   There were only a handful of copies ever made before the great purge of magic and the Chinderin. Ultimately leaving the book to remain hidden within the grasps of necromancers.
Guide, How-to


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