Adventurer's Guild Charter in Meridia | World Anvil
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Adventurer's Guild Charter

The Adventurer's Guild Charter Outlines the laws by which guilds must abide, as well as the conditions upon which one may be founded. It reads as follows:  

The Adventurer's Guild Charter


I. Recognition of Official Guilds

   a. Only recognized Adventurer's Guilds may provide services as outlined in this charter.
   b. Recognized services include: Pest Removal, Protection Services, Manual Labor, Intellectual Assistance, Mercenary Contracts, and Archeological Surveying.

II. Compliance with Local Laws

   a. All recognized Adventurer's Guilds must operate within the confines of the law in the territories they work in.

III. Prohibition of Illegitimate Services

   a. Recognized Adventurer's Guilds are prohibited from providing services or shelter to known fugitives of the law.
   b. Recognized Adventurer's Guilds may not promote or engage in sedition.

IV. Guild Formation Guidelines

   a. Five or more individuals must sign a physical Guild Charter and any by-laws the guild may have.
   b. One member of the prospective guild must legally possess a plot of land or structure to serve as the guild's headquarters.
   c. At Least Five signees must appear before a Guild League Head to argue for the formation of a new guild.
   d. The Guild League Head must approve the Guild Charter, and a copy will be kept in the archives of the league.
     This charter serves as the guiding principles for all recognized Adventurer's Guilds and must be upheld by all members in accordance with the laws of the territories they operate in. Any violation of this charter may result in the revocation of recognition and legal action against the offending Guild.
   These guidelines serve as the requirements for the formation of a recognized Adventurer's Guild. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the denial of recognition and the inability to operate as an official Adventurer's Guild.