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Mens Dei

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Mens Dei (or Mens) is the Mind of God. It is the world where the Prime Gods, The Creator, The Sustainer and the Destroyer, once ruled in the Temple of Creation at the center of the world. That Temple stretches above clouds and mountains in its enormity. The Great Rivers flow North (Peace) and South (Bridge) from the Temple's enormity. The Peace and Bridge (or Pharo) Rivers pour out from monumental heights, falling graciously and pooling into those two greatest rivers on Mens.   Extending West (Wise) and East (Free) from the tower, a vast sea of Mountains extending to both coasts but Peaceways behind them lies The Plateaus of The God Kings (The Mountain Continent). Three God-Kings rule over three realms of three races of Elves: The Wise Elves, The Peace Elves, and The Life Elves. But Bridgeways from the Mountains, the entirety of the human race dwells.   Wiseways the Temple lies the Dark Continent, a land filled with Dark Races that assault and kill humans and Wise Elves. Also on that Continent, the Empire of Unity grows at the behest of the God- Emperor from The Age of Establishment to the end of the Genocide Proclamations. In the Era of Gods, the Dark Continent prospers and Unity begins to dominate the world economically. Freeways from the Temple, the human nations of the Free Continent often fight amongst or ally one another. From the GBW II onward, various nations loosely coordinate in the League of Nations with the God-Hero.

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