Republic of Edra Organization in Menorith | World Anvil
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Republic of Edra

It was a crazy idea at the time, that regardless of birthright, anyone could lead and make decisions for the masses. Members of the confederation council placed bets on how long they would last, we figured that if they weren't destroyed by the horrors coming from the north then they would be absorbed. You should of seen the faces of the council when I wagered that Edra would survive, I knew it was a slim chance but in the face of such pessimism, how could I not? I was even more surprised when the Council Chief chose me to command the expedition sent to ensure their survival. - Gargax Ragthroknaar


In the year 1547 AGF the Astana Commonwealth had firmly established its control over Rasmar, while there wasn't a major regime change and civil reform was minimal, there was discontent. So a small contingent left and set sail for an area they knew wouldn't be contested, the Wildlands. The group made landfall on an island at the mouth of a river (on the 8th day of Leranth), later to become known as "Neo Rasmar" (The first and only reference to their roots). The settlers sent back half their vessels and used the other half to explore the immediate vicinity, these ships would bring more settlers. The settlers stayed confined to Neo Rasmar for a few years, occasionally making expeditions onto the mainland, the city managed to grow into a sizable city-state do to immigration from other kingdoms being in conflict. In 1552 AGF Neo Rasmar expanded north between the two rivers, Dragonfly run and Tortoise tributary, which made for an advantageous defensive position when considering the lakes to the north, the settlement would be called Twin Rivers. The expansion proved to be the first test of the young city-state as this led to direct conflict with the barbaric species of the Wildlands, they knew it would be tough, but nothing could prepare them for what came.     The Gnolls were a pack of blood thirsty and nomadic monsters from the mountains, they didn't create and they couldn't be reasoned with, they only knew strength. They descended from their caves like a plague upon Twin Rivers, the settlement was still under construction and only lightly manned (Relatively speaking), the small defense force was able to hold the Gnolls back while coordinating a retreat back to the ships. Only half of the 200 strong contingent made it back to the ships, where they observed the Gnolls and then returned back to Neo Rasmar. This greatly disturbed the citizens as the Gnolls were almost a fairy-tale, a boogeyman one told a child, from the time of The Great Fire. With the city-state gripped in fear a dwarf, by the name of Morana Fireforge, declared that she would find a way to deal with the gnolls for they couldn't stay confined to Neo Rasmar forever. Morana took a ship and a small group to shadow the gnolls from the ship, following along the coast and up the river she realized that the gnolls didn't have the means to deal with water based threats, unfortunately the pack was too large to deal with so she returned. Armed with this info she went to the town leaders and tried to convince them that they could establish a foothold on the mainland and rebuild Twin Rivers, but the leaders were unsure if it was worth the risk. After several days of debate her side managed to convince the others that it could be done, with the help of a daring plan. They would wait until winter was upon them and the pack took refuge in the mountains, then with the help of large earth movers (later known as "Terseg's Tillers") a small group would go in and dig large moats between the rivers and lakes to create a natural fortification. The digging proved to be difficult and many gave their lives to see it through, but by the time planting season had arrived the water had thawed and filled the newly made canals, Morana's moat had been completed. With a garrison in place and the water blocking the gnolls path, construction of Twin Rivers began again. The city couldn't be built fast enough as more and more people from the overpopulated Neo Rasmar flowed into the mainland, but Morana knew it wouldn't be enough, so she formed an expedition to delve deeper into the Wildlands. Mapping out further and further from the initial land, Morana found more potential sites for moats, but to ultimately thrive she knew the Gnolls had to be dealt with once and for all.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Autonomous area


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