Kingdom on the Brink - Session 59 Report in Menorith | World Anvil
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Kingdom on the Brink - Session 59

General Summary

The group starts to search the forge area, finding multiple finely crafted weapons, not magically enchanted but capable of receiving enchantments. Duromar starts to cast tiny hut, Del Varis is getting impatient (wanting to continue searching the facility). Once the tiny hut is cast Uriel and Rosemary starts to read their tomes, Merigold starts to make a stew. Uriel gives Del Varis all the written material found in previous rooms. Del Varis heads back to the room with the clockwork dragons (see Kingdom on the Brink - Session 58), he starts to play around with the machinery. After spending several hours with the machinery and reading the written material, Del Varis finds the writings refer to several blueprints: first starting with mechanical creations, then moving on to biological creations. He sees notes that culminates in the Cult of Nadranth trying to create a new body for Nadranth and freeing him from his prison. After spending four hours doing this Del Varis returns and lets the party know that the cultists were trying all manners of making a new body for Nadranth (Clockworks, golems, and biological). Rosemary casts sending and lets lord Valeros know what the situation is, Lord Valeros thanks them for the report. He says that he wants the party back before the festival of creation (see Calendar) he believes something important might happen during that time. Duromar breaks the onyx stone into two shards. Before finally taking a long rest Del Varis and Duromar search the room again, the ash from the disintegrated turtle reminds them of the ash found in Runsha's last known residence (see Kingdom on the Brink - Session 34) In the morning the group gets ready and Uriel and Amber Kerogen set out to the entrance of the cave. Uriel summons a dragon mount, during this time he hears movement and Amber checks it out, she runs back and says they have company. Uriel warns the party via the sending stone, when the party doesn't come out he pulls the mounts inside and goes to check why they didn't come out. Uriel rallies the party, and they head for the entrance of the cave. When the party reaches the opening they see they are faced with a human in fine armor, the human identifies itself as Reinoldus of the Arbitors council. Reinoldus proclaims the party is accused of treason and murder of several nobles, he tells them they should surrender. Duromar demands to know by whose authority and to see the proper sigils for identification. Reinoldus holds up a crest and Duromar says he can't see it and demands he comes closer, Reinoldus starts to move closer (slowly), Duromar demands he comes closer. At about twenty feet Duromar demands Reinoldus comes right up to him to see the crest, Reinoldus starts to cast a spell, which Duromar counterspells.

Several other figures (Abjurer, Evoker, Assassin, Champion, and War Priest) make themselves known and the advance on the party. Merigold casts beast bond on Gregori and Gregori moves up and bites Reinoldus, Reinoldus attempts to strike Merigold, but she dodges out of the way. The Evoker attempts to cast cone of cold but Uriel counterspells it, Rosemary embolden bonds the party. The assassin moves up and fires a crossbow bolt at Duromar, attempting to poison him but it is resisted. The War Priest attempts to banish Duromar but he makes the saving throw, Del Varis moves up and stuns the Champion and attempts to stun Reinoldus. The Abjurer casts wall of force and traps Uriel, his mount, and Amber into a force prison. Duromar casts dark star, covering most of the area and starts to sing his bladesong. Amber misty steps out of the wall of force and fires off several eldritch blasts at the stunned champion. Merigold casts mirror image and then action surges and strikes Reinoldus, forcing him to the ground, Reinoldus stands up and uses power word stun on Duromar. This forces him to lose concentration on dark star and it disappears, the Evoker moves up and casts fireball, though most dodge out of the way. Rosemary charges towards the abjurer and begins to strike, her blows are either blocked by a shield or an arcane ward (the wall force continues to trap Uriel). The assassin moves up and strikes Duromar with his short sword, Bob retaliates and strikes with his hooves. The War Priest moves up and heals Reinoldus and strikes Del Varis with his maul, Del Varis drinks a potion of dragon's breath and hits the stunned Champion, he breaks away and moves to Amber. The Evoker casts magic missile on Merigold, but she uses shield to block the darts. Amber casts greater invisibility on Del Varis and moves closer to Duromar, Merigold gives Duromar bardic inspiration and she and Gregori continue to attack Reinoldus. Reinoldus is forced to disengage from combat and moves away, the Champion becomes unstunned and strikes Gregori multiple times with his great sword. The Abjurer can't get away from Rosemary, so he starts to upcast magic missile on her, the War Priest cast mass cure wounds and heals his group. The assassin attempts to hit Bob but both attacks are evaded, Rosemary continues to strike the Abjurer, who responds by more upcasted magic missiles. Del Varis moves around and heals Duromar from being stunned, Duromar is quite angry and casts circle of death. It hits all the enemies, but at the cost of hitting Rosemary and Gregori as well, but this is enough for the Abjurer to lose concentration and Uriel is freed from the wall of force. Amber moves up and upcasts burning hands, hitting the Champion and the War Priest. Uriel flies to a grouping of enemies on his divine dragon mount and uses his conquering presence to frighten a group of them, the dragon mount then strike Reinoldus. Seeing the battle is turning against them, Reinoldus holds his action and tells the Evoker to go to the backup plan, the Evoker attempts to cast a spell, but Duromar counters it. Reinoldus moves towards the biggest grouping of his forces and uses his helm of teleportation to teleport away with everyone except the Abjurer and Evoker. The Evoker attempts to get to the Abjurer but is knocked out by Del Varis, Duromar upcasts a scorching ray on the Abjurer and Rosemary lands a critical strike. The Abjurer attempts to get to the Evoker but gets stunned by Del Varis, Uriel flies over and knocks out the Abjurer.

The party proceeds to bind their captives and thoroughly searches them, finding a warrants and official documents with the Arbitor and royal council seals (see The Barthmont Accords), they also take their gold and spell books. The party decides it is best to split up: Duromar, Merigold, and Rosemary will take the captives to Bronze Cliff and report to Lord Valeros while Uriel, Del Varis, and Amber will scout out the giants. On the way back to Bronze Cliff Duromar questions the prisoners, he emphasizes how the party acted in self-defense and the law will favor them. The captive says that they have committed treason and are traitors to Bralor. Duromar asks on what grounds he says this, the captive speaks of the rebellion in Aramore (see Kingdom on the Brink - Session 33). The captive says they are looking for Gareth, Del Varis, Hendred, Stormsong, Ashara, Oneiro and anyone who travels with them. He says they are also responsible for the deaths of several nobles including Runsha. Duromar offers them water and they continue to Bronze Cliff. When they arrive, they go to Lord Valeros and report their situation, Lord Valeros weighs in and speaks of corruption in Highsummit. The royal council has been fractured into three different groups, loyalists to the kingdom, those under the influence of house Bridgeford, and a third faction Valeros has been unable to identify (the party believes it is the cult of Nadranth). Lord Valeros says that these factions are controlling kingdom institutions to accomplish their goals, Duromar also emphasizes they need to secure the cave factory. During this time Uriel, Del Varis, and Amber fly over the Berkmark mountains, though they don't know the area they prove to be quite adept at tracking an army. They find multiple smaller outposts and groups appearing to be searching for something, they move deeper and eventually find a major fortification. As they move towards it, they see ballista that start to track them, though they hold their fire. Uriel lands and Del Varis takes a few steps towards the entrance, they are met by a guard who demands to know who they are in giant. Uriel asks Del Varis to see if he knows common and to refer to it as a lesser tongue compared to giant. The giant guard does know common and demands to know why they are here, Uriel says they wish to join the giants, the small folk lack the strength to satisfy Uriel. This takes the guard by surprise and is confused; he says he would have to get his superior. Before he leaves Uriel asks who their leader is and who do they serve, the guard proudly states their clan leader is Grankaros and they serve the true god Nadranth. Once the guard leave Uriel tells the group to put on the cult of Nadranth pendants they've looted, the guard returns with another giant (Del Varis recognizes him to be a Storm Giant). Uriel states he is here to join up with other strong people, the Storm Giant is hesitant at first, citing how the small folk have treated the giants as second class-citizens. He states if the mountains provided more resources they wouldn't even be allowed to claim them as their home. It takes some convincing, but the Giant is moved by Uriel's sincerity and says if he wants to help then come into the camp, Uriel says he can't because he needs to rally the rest of his forces for the cause. The Storm Giant accepts this and says they will be waiting for Uriel, they mount back up and begin to fly to the temple where the Steward is located.

The separated groups use the sending stones to fill each other in and set up a meeting point. Duromar tells Rosemary and Gregori his is sorry over catching them in the effects of his spell and promises to give Gregori 5 sausages a day for a year and promises to give Rosemary a magic item. Merigold goes into the town and buys several magic items for herself, Del Varis, and Gregori. Rosemary continues to read her tome, Duromar gets Gregori some sausages, as Gregori leaves he mentions that orb was back again and following Duromar. Duromar consults other wizards and finds out it's a scrying spell, which they dispel, for how long it's been around him they cannot say. Duromar asks if they could help him make a stronger magical grimoire, but they cannot. They state that the only place such a powerful magical item might be located in Bralor would be the royal vaults of Highsummit. Duromar then asks if they can help him make a shield guardian, which they can, they ask for money and tell him to come back in six days. The other group makes it back to the temple and sets up camp for the night, Uriel asks the Steward for advice about the giants. The Steward speaks of how strength is the biggest factor in giant culture, the acceptance of ideas is based on the strength of those that champion it, sometimes in ritual combat. Del Varis jumps in and badly explains ritual combat, referring to various dances and rituals; the group looks at him weird. The Steward explains that ritual combat is essentially two groups representing two ideas and they fight until the other side yields (death could happen but isn't required). Uriel thanks him and then helps Del Varis, as he has a large Star Drake corpse in his portable hole, after clearing out the hole Uriel reads his tome. Del Varis gets to work on studying the Mytholabe wreck and discovers how it can resist magical damage, essentially operating at the same frequency magic operates at to help to disrupt the flow. He then starts to cut open the Star Drake and begins the process to preserve it for Uriel, during this time some black ooze gets on Del Varis. Del Varis very briefly gets a flash of darkness and despair but resists the effects, he gets a vial to collect. The Steward and Uriel notices this, Uriel speaks of a dream he has of Nadranth breaking free from his prison, the Steward says that is a dream of a potential future that has yet to come, this greatly relieves Uriel. Duromar heads back to his room and gets ready to sleep, he gets taken by surprise by the zombie he left there several days ago and tells it to be quiet. Merigold knocks at the door and asks him to recharge her ring of spell storing. The party long rests. The two groups reconvene at the temple.
It is mid-morning on the 31st day of Leranth 2517 AGF

Character(s) interacted with

Lord Valeros

Reinoldus the Patriot
Report Date
20 Apr 2024
Secondary Location


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