Kingdom on the Brink - Session 21 Report in Menorith | World Anvil
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Kingdom on the Brink - Session 21

General Summary

The party begins to burn the bodies of the humans that were attacking the kobolds, Artimus saves one and performs a ritual to raise it from the dead, the kobolds continue to talk to Ashara and mention that there is resistance between them and the kobold encampment. Ashara and Hendred offer to help the kobolds conduct a ceremonial funeral pyre to honorably send the fallen kobolds off. In this time Runsha returns and catches up with the party, as they are talking Stormsong (a Teifling who has been curiously exploring the area) had been stealthily observing the group, but makes her presence known when she saw the undead around Artimus (a knowledge not known to exist, at least in the present time). The party warily approaches her and asks who she is and makes introductions, she notices the kobolds and asks if they're Runsha's little brothers, this catches him off guard and after a few questions he realizes there is a link between him and the kobolds. After introductions are made and the ceremony complete, the party decides to follow the kobolds and help them, though they are unaware of someone following them.

The kobolds and Fawkes notice that there's a large group of humans ahead, the kobolds say they'll attempt to lure off some of them so the rest of the party can engage the others, Runsha casts Sanctuary on one and the kobolds head off and manage to lure off half of the humans. Artimus informs the party of the area and Oneiro says he'll try to sneak off and get a good vantage point while the rest of the party engages in melee, he gets spotted by the humans and a gladiator sprints at him. Ashara moves and places herself between Oneiro and the Gladiator while Runsha moves up from the other side and Artimus Dimension doors onto one of the boulders, Hendred fires a guiding bolt onto the gladiator which hits and outlines him, Stormsong moves and begins to hurl firebolts, unbeknownst to the rest of the group the figure that was following them (Del Varis) begins to move along the side and observe hoping to understand who the true aggressors are. The Swashbucklers move up and begin to dodge and the archer moves to get line of sight and begins to fire, but is ineffective, the diviner attempts to use an upcasted scorching ray on Runsha but gets counter-spelled by Artimus. Ashara and Runsha (who has channeled a very potent smite against him) engages in melee with the gladiator and Oneiro covers them, Artimus uses slow and gets two of the enemies but not the diviner. The unaffected swashbuckler moves to help the gladiator and manages to land a few hits on Ashara, the slowed archer and swashbuckler attempt to support but find the magic hampering their progress, between that and the counterspell the diviner launches an upcasted delayed blast fireball at 8th level, Artimus fails to counterspell. He barely survives the blast, but losses concentration on the slow spell, Artimus misty steps out of sight and has his skeletons engage the enemy with a special command to make sure whatever is left of the diviner is brought to him. Ashara and Runsha kill the gladiator and Ashara switches spots with Runsha (giving him a AC bump) and runs to engage the diviner, seeing such a display of destructive magic used on a singular person, Del Varis moves to attack the diviner as well. Hendred goes and heals Artimus and Stormsong casts spirtual weapon and supports Runsha with Firebolts. The Diviner is cut down and Ashara and Artimus move onto the archer, Runsha and Stormsong finish off one of the swashbucklers. With the tide turning the remaining swashbuckler attempts to remove himself from combat, Oneiro yells to take him prisoner, after dealing with the archer Ashara and Del Varis (Along with Runsha) move to surround the remaining enemy and Oneiro threatens him by shooting an arrow just in front of him. Del Varis goes to finish off the swashbuckler and nearly kills him, but Ashara switches with the swashbuckler and takes the punch from Del Varis, the swashbuckler takes takes the opportunity to disengage and attempts to flee, but Runsha kills him with a Javelin.

The party turns their attention to Del Varis and question why he's there, he explains he came to help those that might be hurt, after some conversation the party accepts this and Runsha and Ashara goes to find the three kobolds. They return after some time with the three kobolds (who looks like they've very tired), they mention that they've broken through the perimeter and the meeting area isn't too much further ahead. Stormsong asks if there's more of the kobolds and if she could have one if there is, the kobolds look at her awkwardly and Hendred explains that isn't really something she should be concerned about. The party continues on and the kobolds stop and as they notice there's another large group of humans just outside the meeting area, they tell the party they'll lure off some of them into traps they've set, Del Varis finds this peculiar with them using themselves as bait. The kobolds get the humans attention and the party hears shouting, commanding the perimeter guard to take care of the straggling kobolds while the inside group of humans deal with the last of the kobolds there. The party goes inside and finds two kobolds surrounded by humans, the attacking humans notice and knock out one of the kobolds and then move to engage the party. Oneiro moves off to the side and while the rest of the group moves to engage in melee, Hendred casts bless and Stormsong uses duplicity to create an illusion of herself. One of the dirty fighters moves to attack Runsha and the gladiator moves to support. The enemy mage casts cloudkill on the majority of the group, Oneiro fires a surging volley of arrows and successfully manages to banish the mage (breaking his concentration and avoiding AOE damage on the party). Ashara sees that the other kobold is in trouble and just before she leaves Hendred drops bless and gives her shield of faith, Ashara runs off and dodges two attacks, she tells the kobold to fall back and help his friend. The kobold nods to her and casts healing word on his friend and then helps Ashara by attacking with his mace. The enemy dirty fighter and gladiator start to focus on Hendred to try and break her concentration, landing several blows but she manages to hold concentration, Runsha shield bashes an opponent out of the way and heals Hendred and Del Varis focuses his ki to rapidly land his blows. Ashara and the kobold hold back the other half of the enemies and the mage returns from his banishment, Stormsong moves her illusion and casts inflict wounds through it on the gladiator and dirty fighter and Runsha and Del Varis finish off the dirty fighter, unfortunately the gladiator is able to break Hendred's concentration. with a window open, the remaining dirty fighter is able to land a massive strike against Ashara and the gladiator fell Ashara and tried to finish her off by impaling her on his spear, in that time the mage conjured a fireball and launched at the biggest group of the party. Ashara regains consciousness and channels her fury to fell the dirty fighter, this awes the kobold who proceeds to heal her wounds. Del Varis moves to finish off the mage and fells him, Oneiro lets out a curse in a very unfamilar langauge, Runsha and Hendred finish off the gladiator while Stormsong runs to help Ashara. The party defeats the last of the opponents and the kobolds thank them, but they only have a short time to rest and burn the enemy and honor the fallen because the kobolds have another request of the party, they believe the humans are heading to desecrate their holy grounds.
Late afternoon on the 21st day of Kyzet

Rewards Granted

3000 GP
300 GP Diamond dust
50 GP ointment
2 rapiers
2 daggers
Report Date
20 Nov 2021
Primary Location


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