Kingdom on the Brink - Session 18 Report in Menorith | World Anvil
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Kingdom on the Brink - Session 18

General Summary

The party exits Varn Daruhm and confers with the rest of the group, they decide which weapons to give to the Fire Salamanders. Ashara and Gareth attempt to teach Oneiro how to throw Javelins, with varying degrees of success, Hendred long rests in the cart and the party sets out. They reach the Fire Salamanders and Oneiro translates as Ashara gives them some of the weapons, attempting to short change them by one magical mace, but the party corrects that and hands it over. The group then makes it to the old broken bridge and decide not to wake Hendred and just have Gareth, Ashara, and Thorne attempt to lift it across the bridge (After almost emptying it into the portable hole). Throne and Ashara fail to maintain their balance and fall 50 feet into the creek, Hendred awakes to find the cart precariously teetering on the bridge. She gets out and drags it, with Gareth's help, away from the edge. The group tries to figure out how to gat Ashara and Thorne up the 50 foot drop, tempers flair and Ashara pulls Gareth's rope down and toss it down the creek, Oneiro points out to the group that they can just go down a 100 feet and walk up the steady incline. Oneiro then looks at the bridge and figures they could move one of the loose planks vertically so they could just roll the cart across, they safely get the cart on the other side and continue on to Lakeshore. During the days it takes to get there Oneiro has another dream, causing him to erupt in flames, Ashara was on watch and grabs him, running him a safe distance from the camp so no one gets hurt. This worries Gareth and Thorne as it has the potential to hurt them in their sleep, Ashara and Hendred defend Oniero as he doesn't have much of a say on when it happens. Oneiro sits down and Ashara offers him some breakfast, Oneiro takes it and adds some of his mushrooms to it, the group packs up and continues to Lakeshore.

The group arrives and a few members notice signs of food scarcity, they split off, Thorne and Hendred goes to the Town Hall while the others head to the shops, Gareth attempts to get a better deal on the goods they're selling but the shop owner isn't buying his line of BS. Ashara brings a barrel over and opens it, revealing the food inside, the owners demeaner changes and mentions how the only thing they've had to eat is some terrible fish. Ashara asks if he has anything special they could possibly come to trade with (Magical items of any sort), the owner doesn't have any and mentions the only person who would have anything magical would be seebo but he hasn't been around for several weeks, he does mention having an Adamantine longsword and the group comes to a deal. Hendred and Thorne find the Town Hall and enter, locating the mayor, they say they're in town to help and introduce themselves. The mayor goes over everything that is the troubling the town: Food scarcity, the missing Lighthouse (the coastline is treacherous for larger vessels if there's no Lighthouse), coastline statues disappearing, and a halfling vanishing. She also mentions how the party isn't the only group to offer their services, some people from the Lagoon port shipping guild had also come, this information gets Thorne's attention. They talk for a few more minutes and then they leave, promising to help as best they can, As they're walking through town a woman approaches Hendred and greets her. The woman is a priestess from the order of the dragon, she mentions how she and another priest are running a small mission in Lakeshore to help the outcasts and disabled and motions to her group behind her, they're cleaning up the fountain located in town. As Hendred and the priestess are talking an adult elf approaches them, the priestess introduces the elf as Nylian and explains how he is mentally impaired. Nylian approaches Hendred and the priestess explains he has something to show her, he waves his hands around and reaches behind Hendreds ear and reveals a coin, he waves his hands some more and shows the coin is no longer there. Hendred expresses joy at the trick and Nylian runs off, the priestess mentions she should get back to work and extends an invitation for Hendred to visit the small building where they've setup their mission. The group reunites and head towards the inn.

The party orders a round of drinks and food, Gareth is taken by surprise when they Barkeep asks for 2 GP a plate, the Barkeep mentions how there a food shortage and they lucky to have fish the people from Lagoon Port. the party receives their food and notices the fish doesn't look quite like fish they've seen before, or tastes like it, or smell like it. Thorne decides to investigate further and heads to the kitchen, the Barkeep tries to stop him but the party distracts him with money and more requests. Thorne finds an ice box that keeps the fish "fresh", he notices it's the same packaging as what's used by the Lagoon Port Shipping Guild and heads back to the group. Hendred explained what the mayor told them and laid out the possible options, Oneiro also mentioned that Seebo lived here and since he's not in town maybe they should pay his house a visit, the idea gets mixed reactions from the group. Gareth, Ashara, and Hendred decide to go down the coastline and find the constable (He's looking into the statue's disappearing), Oneiro wants to visit the mission the order of the dragon is running in town, and Thorne steps out before the party and heads to the docks. Oneiro Follows the direction Hendred gave him and finds the mission easily, he stands out in front looking at the silhouette of the dragon, he stands there so long the priestess comes out and asks if there's anything they can help him with. Oneiro responds that they probably can't do anything to help him and he continues to look at the silhouette, the priestess begins to ask him to leave but Oneiro ignores her and begins to walk towards the door. Nylian runs out and attempts to show him a trick, Oneiro looks into his eyes and Nylian drops to the ground curled up in a ball, another person exits the mission and attempts to comfort Nylian with no success, then picks him up and runs back into the mission. The priestess asks Oneiro to leave, Oneiro looks into her eyes, she's shaken but maintains her ground, asking him to leave. Oneiro requests just to cross the thresh hold and then he'll leave, more people from the the mission start to gather at the windows to see what's happening, the priestess thinks for a moment and says if Oneiro comes back at noon tomorrow when everyone has left the mission to fulfill their good deeds then she'll allow it. Oneiro agrees and leaves. Thorne makes his way to the docks and begins to look around, see if he can find anyone familiar to him, he doesn't recognize any of the dockworkers, but there's a man overseeing the operation he does recognize, Thorne takes cover behind a building. he stays a little longer to see if he recognizes anyone else, he notices a woman at the far docks, he saw a few pictures of her growing up but never met her. He leaves shortly thereafter.

Ashara, Gareth, and Hendred follow the shoreline a few miles when they find the constable, A dwarf named Gowyr Muddigger, they ask about the staues. He mentions that while some statues have been taken completely, some had been broken, he noticed some slime on the fragments that remained. He also mentioned some odd tracks that were near the size of humanoids, but definitely not resembling any humanoid he ever saw. Gareth asks if there's been any other strange happenings, Gowyr thinks for a moment and says some of the Lagoon port sailors did report some theft from their shipments, he chuckles and says that apparently they described the thiefs as half man and half fish. Ashara and Gareth decide to go further and inspect the Lighthouse area while Hendred heads back to Lakeshore, when they arrive they find rubble and the remains of the foundation and magic that powered it, they begin to investigate. They find there's marking on some of the stone indicating that someone came by after the fact and took some of the rubble, but no indication of the Lighthouse falling in any one direction. Gareth ties some rope to himself and has Ashara lower him down the ledge, he notices something duck behind a rock, which is located on a unnoticed path. Gareth climbs back up and locates the entrance to the hidden path and he and Ashara begin to follow it. They find a cave entrance and a humanoid figure sitting on a rock, the figure greets them and mentions she was wondering if somebody was going to find this place. Gareth mention it was a little of a challenge to find, then stops and asks who she is, She removes her hood (revealing she's a Half-elf) and says her name is Kaylin, They ask Kaylin if she knows anything about the Lighthouse or what's going on in Lakeshore. Kaylin mentions that they came to her on a stormy night looking for shelter, they were scared so she started to look after them, she paused and then said she didn't know anything about the lighthouse. Gareth asked if she realized that the people she was sheltering were stealing food and supplies from Lakeshore, Kaylin looked at him and asked if that was what they were told, Gareth nodded. Kaylin motioned into the cave and a Kuo-Toa walked out, Gareth seemed a little shocked and Ashara whispered to him, saying she didn't think they were stealing supplies, the Kuo-Toa were the supplies for Lakeshore. Gareth and Ashara started to have a private conversation about what they thought was happening here when it got heated, this convinced Kaylin that they didn't mean the Kuo-Toa any harm so she offered to show them. Kaylin led them into the cave where they found easily hundreds of Kuo-toa, if not thousands, she took them near the back where the cave opened up to the ocean and there was a crudely built stone monument made from rubble and statues. Kaylin explained that the ships that brought this group here sank during a storm, the Kuo-toa were amphibious, so they survived, the night of the sinking they saw the shining light of the Lighthouse and revered it as a deity (they called it the obelisk), when it disappeared they took rubble and statues and made this monument to it. Gareth and Ashara still felt Kaylin was holding something back, but they promised they didn't mean the Kuo-toa any harm and would do their best to resolve this situation and they returned to Lakeshore.

The party reconvened at the Inn, Thorne is wearing his helmet that covers his face, they're about to exchange information when the inn starts to fill up and Thorne suggests quite strongly that they leave to somewhere less crowded. The group decides to go to Seebo's house and start to stealthily make their way there, Ashara realizes they have a tail and leads the group to an alleyway to hide, a short time later the woman Thorne saw at the docks walks by (looking briefly into the alleyway). The party waits for several minutes before moving out. They arrive at Seebo's house and find it's locked, they party is growing more alarmed about breaking into a wizards house and talk about taking shelter somewhere else, Oneiro isn't quite convinced so he takes a coin out and flips it. He takes out a crowbar and the rest of the party scatters to take cover, he pry's open the front door, activating a warding glyph which explodes with acid. Oneiro manages to dodge some of the trap, a illusion appears of Seebo, he's chastising the Lagoon port goons for attempting to break into his house and how he has more surprises inside for them, he also laments that he was hoping not to have to clean up his house after visiting his friend in Hillfar. The party looks around to see if anyone noticed that noise when they see that same woman that tailed them by earlier, she realizes she's been spotted and runs, the group finds an abandoned house and hides out there, Oneiro takes some dirt to make tracks to appear like they went into Seebo's house. The party keeps an eye on Seebo's house while Thorne explains that he's not on good terms with his family and he saw his brother overseeing operations at the dock, His family is basically criminals and the Lagoon Port Shipping Guild is front for unsavory illegal activities, his brother tried to kill him. The woman comes back with two other and they look into the house, the two goons seem adamant about not entering the house and walk away, the woman investigates the area but appears to give up. She leaves a note in Seebe's broken door. The party waits a little while to make sure nobody is around and Ashara activates her boots of speed and gets the note, she gives it to Thorne who opens it carefully and then reads it, he crumples it and tosses it in the garbage and says it's nothing. Oneiro grabs it and reads it and begins to laugh, he says she wants to talk to them.
It's night time on the 15th day of Kyzet
Report Date
03 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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