Kairyll Karshe Ethnicity in Melphor | World Anvil

Kairyll Karshe


Common Dress code

Karshe are much more tolerant of colder temperatures than the other two subtypes as their fur is very thick. As such, they rarely wear much in the way of clothing, usually only enough to cover important and vulnerable areas. They dislike jewelry but are very fond of rich fabrics and simple colors. They also have a fondness for geometric patterns.


Beauty Ideals

With an average height between 5’11” and 7’ tall, they are the tallest of the three remaining subtypes. They have a furred pelt that tends to lean towards the shaggy side of things. They’re hair and pelt can be white, black, brown, or red-brown in color. It’s rare for an individual to have mixed pelt colors. Eye color varies in shade, but can be blue, green, or brown. Like the Draconar, they have stubby claws on their toes. On their fingers, they have much shorter claws. They, like the other two types, sport tails. Theirs are fluffy and not as long, reminiscent of a snow dog’s tail. Their ears are like those of a dog, situated on the upper portion of the head with tips that fold over. They have canine muzzles with sharp teeth.

Relationship Ideals

Karshe reproduce very much like canine animals do. Karshe engage in displays of strength and cunning to attract mates. Karshe have a six month period. A female will produce up to three offspring.
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