Kairyll Draconar Ethnicity in Melphor | World Anvil

Kairyll Draconar

The Draconar are cold blooded like their reptilian cousins and cannot function if it gets too cold.


Common Myths and Legends

The Kairyll have their own set of deities, but freely include the deities of the other species of Melphor into their shrines. The Kairyll deities are only worshipped by the Kairyll and are largely ignored by the people of Melphor, most notably the ones living on the continent of Ardren. Those of Keltos acknowledge these deities and include them into their calendars.


Beauty Ideals

The Draconar are very reptilian in appearance and nature. They stand between 5’8” and 6’9” with a tough hide-like skin and long, slender tails. This hide can be brown, grey, green, blue, or bronze in color as can their hair. Eye coloring is limited to yellow, scarlet, or green. They have a long snout like a reptile’s complete with fangs. Some Draconar have horns, ear frills, tail points, or a combination of the three. All have bony protrusions on their knees as well as short, stubby talons on their fingers and toes.

Relationship Ideals

Draconar are egg layers. Draconar typically engage in mating dances on the ground. Gestation is a period of eight months. A female will only lay one egg at a time.
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