MeiQi美琪 Wang 汪 Character in Mean Master's - Call of Cthulhu | World Anvil
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MeiQi美琪 Wang 汪

Young Chinese woman

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Missing singer

This Mister Dewey has asked us to find some band member. Something about a Wendell Young who recorded a record recently and is now missing. Something to do with the BGMC recording studio - deal with Cliff Perkins who owns the studio. The name of the band is Wendell and the Boyz. We go back to Harlem. It's as if the GM had a module for this area. We all travel to Harlem with Charles driving. We stay at the Hotel Olga - I think. We look up places to hang. Cliff Perkins - oh yeah, we talked to this guy. I ignored him.   We go to some place that is boarded up. It's a two story building. I pick the lock and go up the stairs. There are - oddly.... no access to the main floor. Just stairs. We figure out how to go downstairs. There is something gross going on.   I pick some locks. We find the guy dead. I dunno. What's going on.

The Journal Entry’s title

At the Summerset Hotel. I just went to see Reg. There is a room number that I am supposed to know. We go down one flight. I can't quite pick the lock and then the guards catch me. Reg finally comes down, but man, he just -- throws me under the bus. We decide to go back to the armory.

Stealthy Wealthy

I literally stopped paying attention for awhile. We're pretty much trying to figure out what to do right now. Maybe we just go hang out at the Armory? We also want to meet up with someone - gotta call Celestine and Ralph. I guess - Armory. Lt. Lance has a lead but wants us to follow up. We need to go to Customs and Immigration - record of German citizen staying in Harlem. They won't release info over the phone. Think we might have better luck? Are they sure? We warned Lt. Lance about the bad things that will happen at the Armory. Sam Right is there. A dozen of the 369th there. They will defend the Armory.   I stay at the Armory and work on the release of Phil Simms and defense of the Armory. Dudley interviews the guys about the war they fought in. They register on the GEiger not-Geiger counter.   Lots of running around. They are looking for Hans Witcher. Who knows. I am going to help out Reg. Dudley wants to come too. They kinda want to avoid fighting. Except Ed. I get out before he hits the place.   I see a building. Fire Escape. Sign that says no colored, Irish, catholic. a car rolls up and it looks like security. I end up meeting up with Reg but I pretend I don't speak much english.

The Non Radioactive Geiger Counter

We look for a safe place to stay for the night. We stay with Ralph and Celestina. We all take watch and nothing happens. We talked with some people like Sam, and we came up with a plan. Sam is in the Knights of Orobus. Rocco remembers hearing the music at the armory and was attacked by germans. We make plans to see Javier and James. We think about using the radium detector around town? Visiting Sam? We're at a loss. We realize the radiation scanner is not checking for radiation. I find a notebook looking around. It looks interesting and has some information. It says that the reason he made this device was because he felt that every member of his squad must have been washed in some sort of german radiation experiment during events of bella wood - saturation them. It was not deadly but did leave some special mark. We should test Rocco and Sam.   It's like 10 am. We go back to the police station. They are holding the two guys for no legit reason and the rest of the guys help get them out. Oh I go down and test the guys and they are also positive for the weird thing.   The weird blonde hair also has the weird signal.   noon at the apt.

Who's that Sam?

We're outside of a garage. There are foot prints in the snow. I guess it's locked. I shine a light through a window because why not. There is another door. There is some liquid on the groups. There are also stairs heading up above the garage where the shop area. We break open the door. We look in the office and then a garage. There is a body in the garage. Pool of blood that is sorta dried. Brain matter. His head was crushed and stabbed. The guy is Mister Moore. We then go upstairs. There is a dead corpse upstairs. She was stabbed in non-vital locations so she probably bled out slowly. Suffering. Bedroom and bathroom doors. There is another body - male. Also maimed. Child is in the guitar case.   We go investigate some more. Chaos. I stayed behind while the guys went to the police. I guess they are treating the prisoners real badly.   Sam who we are talking with is part of a group that investigates strange things. The Knights of Oroborus.

Who Knows

We're in a room and I notice a little radiation in the room. We have a bunch of random things. It's 5pm.   We do some things. We find some people and stuff. There was someone who was suffering from radiation poisoning. Also, there was a blonde haired person in Vex's apartment, which is sus. We think that the damage to this body was done after death.   We talk to people. Something about a Rosco Mascroni.   More things. We go see Rocco. I dunno. I was tired.      

Kinda Zoned Out

Apparently, we must get these companions out of jail. This is, uncomfortable, at best. I try to hide my face. The po po won't let these people out until morning. I spend the evening with Reg at a hostel in Chinatown. We get some noodles and recon with his friends. We end up meeting some of the people from the party.   I have no idea what these guys are doing. I am just.. following. We're doing some recon.   I dunno we find a dead guy and some brittle blonde hair in the room. There are some books and stuff. I use my skills to fix some electronics. It's a Geiger counter.

A Party in Harlem

I meet up with some people who do some interesting investigations. I am hoping to find my target while working with them. We go to a rent party. There is going to be a prominent singer there. Someone named James put us in touch with this event. There is a Celestina and Ralph who live at 101st in Macomb Place who have joint apts in 101 and 201. The password is deuce. The party is strange, and my companions are the only white people in the area. I am out of place. These people are strange and they ask weird questions. They make small talk. Something about fighting and being called Harlem HellFighters. The guys are all socializing but I'm not quite sure what is happening. There is some good music and Bessie Smith shows up and sings.   Javier and James seem a little drunk. Walking weirdly and such. The guys investigate and I follow. There are people coming toward them. Pipe music is being played. The group coming toward Javier and James are shuffling their feet more than walking. Seems weird. The second group is walking weirdly because they suffer some kind of injury. They attack me. I must kill them. The guys are fighting these people. I try to kill them but I think that they might have escaped me. I was trying to sneak up on them. So anyway, the people kinda disappear. That is weird.   Policemen come. I should not be seen. My friends are taken by the police.  


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