Meaghana The Marriage of Gregor Lyonsbane
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The Marriage of Gregor Lyonsbane

Life, Relationship change


In the spring of 824, at the age of 43, Gregor married Fetesia of Bilvon, the daughter of one of his line officers. For a dowry, Gregor pledged to clear the land of evil and make a country for "decent, honest, hardworking folk to make their own." ( Libros Lyonsbane p 37) This pledge lead to the work of the remainder of Gregor's life, the taming and founding of the country of Fetesca. This marriage is commonly referred to as the founding date of the country of Fetesca. However, it is a certainty that Hosiana was founded before this, and strong support for Elam and Blackholm having been founded before this time as well.

Related Location
The Kingdom of Fetesca
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