Duchess Jessica Del Sol Character in Meaghana | World Anvil
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Duchess Jessica Del Sol

Your Grace Jessica Del Sol

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Duchess Jessica is a beautiful woman, posessing the blonde hair common to her family. However, her green eyes indicate a possible father from outside Darel (where such eye color is exceedingly rare), and rumor holds that her father may be a minor lordling from Blackholm. Courtiers say this is the underlying reason for the tension between Darel and Blackholm during Jessica's reign.

Apparel & Accessories

As with all of the ladies of the court of Darel, Duchess Jessica is always dressed at the height of fashion. She spends much of her personal fortune providing patronage to fashion designers and merchants who would bring her new fashions from distant lands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Duchess Jessica Del Sol is the latest in a long line of beautiful and capable female rulers of the duchy of Darel.
  Born in the year 166, Jessica was educated and trained as is her birthright. She is well known for her expertise in diplomacy, music, dancing and courtly behavior. She is keenly aware of the responsibilities of her title, and has made it a priority to keep close to the king and remain in his favor.
  This favor keeps the Western part of the duchy safe from the other dukes of Fetesca, allowing her to use her military forces primarily to defend the rich gold mines in the mountains of the eastern edge of her lands.



Morality & Philosophy

In the manner of her family, Duchess Jessica maintains close ties to the Church of the Holy Union. However, while the Union is the official religion of the Duchy, as it is throughout all of Fetesca, the Del Sol family has long revered Pthalo, and maintains a chapel to the godess of love in her private residence.
  As would be expected with this dual faith, Duchess Jessica is less eager to engage in military action than her fellows of the court. The Duchess believes in the supreme power of diplomacy to enact meaningful change. This leads her court to have considerably less dueling than others in Fetesca, but it does make the court intruiges much more intense.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Another tradition within House Del Sol is the openness of the female's sexuality, especially when compared to the more modest nature of the women of other duchies. Duchess Jessica takes lovers openly, both men and women, and assures that there is no stigma in her lands for women wishing to do so, as well.
  This is one of the bigger points of contention between House Del Sol and the church of the Union. The church has many consertative voices within it that dissapproves of the more fluid nature of the Duchess' sexuality, but are wise enough to not push the matter to far within her lands.


Family Ties

Duchess Jessica's most important family tie is that she is 2nd cousin to King Jarrad on his mother's side.

Wealth & Financial state

Duchess Jessica is the most wealthy member of the nobility of Fetesca with the possible exception of King Jarrad. She spends her wealth easily and openly, but does not allow greed to prevent her from taking care of the needs of her people. She spends personal money to build orphanages and medical facilities in her lands, often managed by the Church of Pthalo.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Duchess of Darel, Protector of the Eastern Mines, Lady of the East Marches
Year of Birth
166 (AC) 1237 Years old
Darel, Fetesca
Current Residence
Darel, Fetesca
129 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Fetscan, Dremite, Dwarven, Elvish
Ruled Locations

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