Mea The Lost Gospel of Mea Timeline
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The Lost Gospel of Mea

A book of records of the various periods of Mea kept by the family Triarum through many generations.

The Age of Cold

Duration: 10.000

A time when Vestia was the sole guardian of Mea. Without Berikan's heat, the planet was a barren land of frozen plains.

  • 1 AOC

    The Arrival of Vestia

    The Goddess Vestia seeks refuge in a distant dimension unseen by light.

  • 50 AOC

    The First Race

    Vestia gives birth to the Verun and sets them loose to inhabit the frozen wasteland called Mea.

  • 100 AOC

    The Endless Night
    Discovery, Exploration

    “And so it came to be, that Vestia arrived in Mea, a dead and cold planet. Unable to produce real-life herself, she gave birth to the race of the Verun, the Children of the Night. Born into the gloom, and forever bound to darkness”

  • 200 AOC

    Whispers of life
    Life, Identity

    The Verun slowly wander the lands under the cover of darkness, lullabied by the whispers of their mother. They travel to the tallest regions of the world where her voice sounds clearer.

  • 500 AOC

    The First Grimmoire
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Verun capture the words of their mother and record them in Grimmoires. Soon, they learn to vocalize them themselves and marvel as they realise the birth of the first magic in the world.

  • 800 AOC

    The First Demon
    Criminal Activity

    Through their pains and fear of darkness, comes the shaping of Ilaur “The Absent Father” who intervenes only to punish the Verun through the years. Ilaur is an essence created by the tormented side of the collective unsconsciousness of the Verun.

  • 1000 AOC

    The Night Wars
    Military action

    As the blood of Vestia fades, the new Verun cannot survive without blood. They turn to each other and from their conflict, comes the separation of the tribes and the beginning of the night wars.

  • 2500 AOC

    The Barren Land
    Discovery, Exploration

    “And thus, the Verun were forced to wander the barren realm in search of food, but alas, life was not allowed to endure anywhere in the cold land. The creatures were forced to explore but in vain. Why were they forced to suffer such a painful need? Was there reason or purpose behind their flawed creation?”

  • 3500 AOC

    The Flesh of Mother
    Geological / environmental event

    The Verun tribes spread throughout the realm. Mahanzi, Selak, Valiil, Meza and Tehasi are some of the names of the most known ones. They divide the northern part of Mea into their own territories. They call their lands “The Flesh of Mother”.

  • 4000 AOC

    The First Necropolis

    The Mahanzi seem to possess the most power among the tribes. They build the first necropolis of mea called “Eralunia”.

  • 5000 AOC

    Victims of Brethren
    Discovery, Exploration

    “It was the blood of her Children that fed the frozen soil and the tundras and the plains. It was a world of darkness and blood and the agony of feral whispers in the night”.

  • 6000 AOC

    Eralunia's Peak
    Cultural event

    Eralunia becomes the first real community of the Verun. Her sages record Vestia’s Grimmoires and excel in magic. They even build the first temple of Vestia in her honor.

  • 8000 AOC

    Eralunia's Demise
    Disaster / Destruction

    Most of the other Verun tribes unite against the Mahanzi. After a long and gruesome war, Eralunia’s reign comes to an end and the city is destroyed.

  • 9000 AOC

    A Lonely Howl
    Discovery, Exploration

    “Long before the wolves howled at the Moon, the Moon itself howled at the infinite Space and Time. It was a voice of despair that needed an answer, and an answer came”.


The Age of Light

10001 AOTW 15000 AOTW

Berrikan arrives in Mea and the planet is reborn. Life and heat mark the beginning of civilization.

  • 1 AOL

    Genesis of Light
    Discovery, Exploration

    “Let it be known that Man alone is not the subject of suffering in this world, for all we know, the Verun suffered greatly from many a plague. And as the Lord brought warmth to the soil, He also brought death to the Verun, and not expected comfort. Being cursed, their skin turned to dust and their blood into ash, once in the presence of daylight”.

  • 500 AOL

    Signs of Life

    Berikan arrives in Mea. His union with Vestia brings changes to the world. The frost melts and nature blooms. The newly born race of the Aran roams the world.

  • 700 AOL

    The Aran Tribes
    Life, Relocation

    The Sun Tribes are born from the Aran people. The Salmah, the Iavi and the Laven become the dominant tribes among the Aran.

  • 1000 AOL

    Troubles at Night

    The Aran wander the barren lands of the west and over the years, they reach the northern parts of Mea to witness the remnants of the cold age. They soon find out that that during the night, there are other dangers apart from wild animals.

  • 1500 AOL

    The founding of the Kingdom of Aran

    The Aran Tribes Salvan, Iavi and Laven unite and form the kingdom of Aran.

  • 2000 AOL

    The War of Dusk & Dawn
    Discovery, Exploration

    “Lord Berikan, in all His wisdom, brought forth the Aran tribe, to roam the realm and fill it with life force. Lord Berikan, must have been blinded by his own light to make such a grave mistake”.

  • 3500 AOL

    Stone Shelters
    Discovery, Exploration

    “In the land of always winter, amidst tall trees and frozen glades, lay the foundation of the great Vampire Houses. They would become the masters of the Night or they would extinct”.

  • 4500 AOL

    The Seed
    Discovery, Exploration

    “Let it be known that the seed of the two Gods marked the real beginning of mankind. Before that, was only darkness and blood, and the endless struggle for survival”.

  • 4700 AOL

    The Founding of Celtia.

    The Sinkta Tribes unite and form the Four Crowns of Celtia, a kingdom ruled by a Sinkta oligarchy.

  • 4800 AOL

    The Tribes of Aavos.

    The free country of the Tribes of Aavos is founded during the rising conflicts against the Verun. A new nation is given birth under the Sun of Berrikan that does not tolerate Moonborn tribes but instead, invites the Sunborn tribes to join their community.

The Age of Turmoil

15001 AOTW 18000 AOTW

A time of war and conflict among the Tribes of Mea, followed by natural catastrophes and divine interventions.

  • 50 AOT

    Divine Tremors
    Discovery, Exploration

    “Of all the great tragedies of our world, I consider the Atheym to be among the most unfortunate and tormented people, for it is their magic that tamed the wimps of the Gods”.

  • 500 AOT

    Gods & Mortals
    Discovery, Exploration

    “It takes wisdom to acknowledge the greatness of the Gods against the vanity of mortals. Faith often reminds us of that. But it takes courage to embrace magic and its vast possibilities”.

  • 1990 AOT

    The Founding of the Kingdom of Exeria.

    The wandering, mixed Tribes of the West arrive at the land of the old Gralian Tribes and manage to repel them and claim their land, founding the new kingdom of Exeria, a land of mixed, Sunborn Tribes.

  • 2000 AOT

    The Need For War
    Discovery, Exploration

    “I blame the Gods for this. For the war among the Berikan Church and the Acolytes of Vestia, I blame none but the Gods. It was a terrible manipulation that could only result in more blood, which is the currency of the Gods”.

  • 2800 AOT

    The Rise of Magic
    Discovery, Exploration

    “The common people will always loathe those who unlock their potential. No matter the cause, be it good or evil, they will always become hunted by the ones that submit to fear”.

  • 2950 AOT

    Ways of the Sun

    “My fears have become true. The Church had weaponized the people to monopolize their faith, or as I believe, their fear. These were dark times that seem to have arrived from the side of the Light”.

The Age of the Wheel

18000 AOTW and beyond

The rise of civilization and the peak of human productivity.

  • 1001 AOTW

    Rise of Civilization
    Discovery, Exploration

    “And so, it soon became clear that those who sided with the new world order would prevail over those who remained set in their ways of old. The battle just changed its face to the New versus the Old.

  • 1728 AOTW

    The Swamp Wars
    Military action

    The nation of Exeria wages war against the kingdom of Aran in order to expand west. The conflict results in terrible losses on both sides without proclaiming a definitive winner, although the Exerian expansion to the west was interrupted and later, completely dissolved.

  • 1741 AOTW

    The Royal War
    Military action

    The kingdom of Exeria wages war against the Gralian Tribes of the north that resisted the merge with the Exerian people. The war marked the dominion of Exeria as a new empire and was characterized also as a sacred war against the Moonborn tribes, directed by the Berikan Church and Lando.

  • 1991 AOTW

    Remnants of a Black Sun
    Discovery, Exploration

    “They dragged them out in the sun. Young men and women, children. Screaming in agony, their skin turned red before bursting into flames. It was a long-expected terror, an unforgivable act of mankind. We should never forget this, nor distort the truth of the horrors that we witnessed”.