Sill Roscoe Character in Maw of the Deep | World Anvil
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Sill Roscoe

Two crews are the most infamous for the entire Broshan region: Julia Tyrone and Sill Roscoe. There is a reason the relatively short man is one of the most feared people in the Antarta. His ship is one of the few to fly the red flag, informing everyone that no mercy will be given. He burns things, slaughters merchants, destroys cargo, all for his own amusement. He is a monster, plain and simple, who loves to cause chaos and destruction. The only problem: much like Tyrone, he won't stay dead.

Physical Description

Body Features

Roscoe's skin has gone from tan to grey in months. He's done something, and when I asked him what, he just laughed at me and said he would finally beat me. --Otto the Mad

Specialized Equipment

The swords he has? The serrated ones? They have mer teeth in them to bite into the skin. It's been soaked in ray venom, too. No one who gets hit with it will make it home. --Richard Kelvin
Known for his weapon collections, Roscoe has dozens of firearms, knives, and swords, but his preferred weapons of use are twin swords embedded with teeth.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

It was great, really. Grew up with just us, running every fucking night from soldiers looking to take back what food we stole. There ain't no safety nets in Aquimore for all the poor little orphans. No, they got families to care for them. The ones that don't, die fast. --Roscoe on Aquimore
Roscoe was orphaned at an early age in one of the larger cities of Aquimore. He and his older brothers took to the streets to survive, quickly bouncing through small jobs and menial labour. As soon as a job looking for sailors on a cargo ship opened up, they took it and began a life on the sea.


Washed up and broke after the ship they were on laid off their workers and the company itself went under, the three stopped looking for legal work and began heading towards piracy and other illegal opportunities. These were more lucrative, and soon enough they were able to buy a ship of their own to continue their career path.
This became the beginning of the end for the brothers, as they finally decided to split up for good and head out on their own, each with a significant chunk of money. Roscoe, without the grounding of his brothers, quickly began to start destroying things for fun rather than money.

The Dishonourable Death

The ship Roscoe bought was both fast and strong, and he filled it with the worst people the sea had to offer. Convicted murderers and uncaught pirates served under him, and he took to being cruel and domineering well. When they fished Richard Kelvin out of the sea, Roscoe kept him for unknown reasons until his later escape. Outraged by his 'pet fish' running away, he became obsessed with bringing Kelvin back under his control. During this, one of the ships he attacked was the merchant ship that Alete's family lived on, and she hid onboard his own ship until she could escape into a port town. This ship he remembered, simply because her mother fought back with a spear and then a knife, killing one of his crew members.


At some point during this, Roscoe struck a deal with Qhil: corpses for immortality. He had six years to kill the required number of people, or else he himself would die. After enjoying the new power he held for too long, he began slaughtering ships wildly, realizing his time was running out.

Mental Trauma

While he grew up protected and loved by his brothers, Roscoe began to get jealous of them, and that jealousy turned into hatred and violence.
Current Residence
Dishonorable Death
Curly brown hair, greying slightly
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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