Lightseeker Species in Maverot | World Anvil
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Flickering incandescence. A blue and violet arc of heat lightning, hundreds of feet in the air. The scintillating luminescence reveals something curving, writhing across the sky. It dances along the segmented carapace of some undulating horror! The languorous friction of countless scabrous parts moving in unison produces another leaping bolt of lightning and the whole of the creature begins to impress its shape on your resisting mind. The appalling appearance is almost too much to bear, but you cannot tear your eyes away.   A serpentine body that flaps in many tatters, diverges and reforms, drifts atop multi-hinged limbs that bear no clear relation to balance or support. From its loathsome belly hundreds of streaming appendages hang, ending in grasping, mandible studded mouths. At the end of a long, flexible tube, a neck perhaps, something like a head perches. Under its many bulbous eyes a proboscis like protrusion quivers in anticipation.   Lightseekers are horrors on the scale of natural disasters. They drift seemingly aimlessly until they sense light, at which point they turn their hungry attention upon it and pursue until they have devoured every last ray. Even a candlelight can attract a Lightseeker from many miles away, so it is a small and desperate blessing that the creatures are rare and possess little in the way of observable intelligence. One led out into one of the many vast wastes on Maverot might wander there for centuries before it happens upon civilization again. Yet when it does it destroys thousands of lives, ending many memories of light each time. In addition, the passing of a Lightseeker tends to leave the area swarming with horrible Abominations, plaguing any who escape the beast for years to come.  


  Long forgotten by the slowly degenerating souls that inhabit Maverot, Lightseekers were once mighty dragons, the wilder twins of the Elanesset and masters of the natural world. Twisted by the fall of their Gardener, Lightseekers now destroy what they once protected, devouring light and memory and corrupting any flesh they encounter. Elanni they slaughter and infest with horrible parasites, turning them into wandering Abominations. Animals, being the creations of dragons, are warped into nightmarish versions of their former selves; the closer the animal to the hearts and minds of Elanni (domestic pets and the sort) the quicker the corruption. Though livestock and wild animals possess some resistance, even they will eventually succumb to the terrifying will of the Lightseekers.

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