Session 42: Prison Escape Report Report in Matelo Kaloje | World Anvil
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Session 42: Prison Escape Report

General Summary

Ciaran is in a cell with a prisoner. He casts Dispell Magic on his shackles, and frees him.

16 Ciaran
15 Faeryn
13 Priest
11 Champion
9 Prisoners

Faeryn tries to push the guard over, and fails. They are then under the effect of Hold Person by preist. The larger guard then picks Faeryn up and carries them towards their cell, telling the priest that something is happening in Muertio the Magician's cell. Muertio then casts Mage Armor on himself. Muertio and Ciaran come up with plan: Ciaran casts Freedom of Movement on Muertio, and then when the priest opens the slat to investigate, Muertio casts Blight, breaking the Priest's concentration.

The priest sounds the alarm and the knight shoves Faeryn into their cell. Muertio casts Bigby's Hand to bust down the door. Ciaran casts Conjure Animals and summons four Giant Spiders. All miss their attacks, two trying to web the knight and the other two biting the priest.

The priest then casts Spirit Guardians, while the knight locks Faeryn away and starts cutting down spiders. The spirit guardians made Muertio lose concentration on the hand. Muertio casts Vampiric Touch at 6th level and it is pathetic, but does hit the Priest. The spectral dragons dogging Ciara, she casts Dispell Magic to get rid of the guardians. The spiders then web up the knight and attack the pirest, one spider pulls out one of the priest's eyes.

The priest casts Flame Strike, buring Muertio & Ciaran partially to crisps. The knight bursts out of the webbing. Muertio then kills the priest, breaking ribs in the process via Ray of Sickness. Beating Muertio to the punch, Ciaran casts Animate Dead on the priest, who becomes a zombie, and then shuffles towards the knight, slapping him with his maul. The giant spiders then attack, and while they do no damage he is webbed up. Faeryn bangs at their cell door, to no avail.

The knight then cuts through the webbing and kills two more spiders. Muertio then attacks with a black beam of Ray of Enfeeblement, and misses entirely. Ciara casts Dispell Magic, un-magicing Faeryn's manacles. The zombie-priest misses the knight as does the spider. Faeryn then cuts the door down, panting heavily, a greataxe in their manacled hands.

The knight then kills a spider, swings at the priest, and attacks Faeryn. Muertio successfully casts Ray of Enfeeblment, crippling the knight. Ciara holds a Poison Spray action, and the Zombie attacks the knight.

Faeryn attacks the knight as a legendary action, missing, and then casts Mage Armor. The knight retaliates with three hits. The knight then is blinded by the Muertio, which is followed by Ciara's Poison Spray, followed by the zombie attacking. Faeryn slashes at the knight, who blindly and weakly retaliates a bit. He succeeds against Blindness/Deafness.

The knight is hit by another firey Eldritch Blast from Faeryn (who begins to burn another door down) and then succeeds against Blight from Muertio, being taken down to below bloody by just the half damage.

Ciara misses with a Chill Touch, and hides in Muertio's cell. The zombie then attacks, and hits. Faeryn slashes at the guard, who retaliates with two attacks of his own. They also cast Firey Blast, missing the knight but revealing the other cell has a sorcerer.

Muertio misses with a Chill Touch, and then Ciaran also misses with a Chill Touch. Faeryn gets off a firey blast, and then a 5th level Scorching Ray, breaking the knight's ribs and killing him.


Keledek brings Mystan, Virion, and Seklyn into the sitting room of his tower. Keledek summarizes the robbery, and states he has no knowledge of this conspiracy or a shapeshifter, nor what the shapeshifter could be. He does suppose it may be a doppleganger or a green dragon from Granny Nightshade, and is astounded to learn of the dragon graveyard; there aren't many older dragons in the area.

When Keledek is shown the map, he thinks it's too perfect; it might be forged and have been planted there as red herring. But, given Eda Oweland is in the possibly compromised council, it may be worth looking into.

Keledek asks what the three know about the Owelands. Between him and Virion, they point out that Eda's nephew Cazador Oweland is a member of the guard, and that the estate is rumored to have secret passages for the help so old that even the current servants don't know about. Even though Captain Fireborn refuses to give a warrant to search the place, there might be something worthwhile in searching the secret passageways on the 19th.

Of course, Virion & Mystan will have to leave either tonight or tomorrow (the 18th) to make it to the ritual on the 19th.

Keledek thanks the party and implies he may take them down for a real dig under the tower. Keledek mentions that Mr. Solmor, through, wanted a second copy of the report about the islands - just like he did with Virion's copy of the Captain's Log from the Emperor of the Waves.

Keledek further reveals that strange dwarves killed much of his crew, and that the eldest and smallest of the isles had a giant chain of adamatine or silver, definitely not steel, iron, or mithral, anchored to it, descending underwater.

"Perhaps the Solmors are involved in this conspriacy. Or perhaps they want to know for the same nominal reason as Drallion; a series of islands you can teleport to may be a method of fast travel."

For the rest of the 17th, Seklyn plans to return to the festival. Mystan and Virion, meanwhile, will make last minute preparations to go to the ceremony.
Ghosts of Saltmarsh Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Virion Sylvenne
C/N Wood Elf (Noble)
Wizard 2
7 / 12 HP
Co'oquilan Mystan
Bronze Dragonborn (Acolyte)
Cleric 3
10 / 24 HP
Report Date
13 Mar 2023

Cover image: Brightfalls_14.06 by Krivio
This article has no secrets.


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