Session 40: One Step Ahead Report Report in Matelo Kaloje | World Anvil
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Session 40: One Step Ahead Report

General Summary

With the rings to their stern, the Rambunctious Devil sets sail to the Javan Fortress with the Bilious Saber in tow. Selina apologizes to the crew profusely for all the murder.

The sun is near the horizon when they approach the fort. Lizardfolk approach and greet them, as Ciaran had given them a heads up. The ships are allowed to way anchor by the fortress and the party comes ashore. Garurt and Vyth offer to lead some Lizardfolk guarding the prisoners.

Despite Ciara being there ahead of time (and then meditating for a long rest), the Shammans are still whispering in draconic about the ill omen that is outsiders arriving on the equinox. Sir Mystan informs the queen of their needs.

After a few persuasion checks Queen Othokent allows the party to do their boat-swap asap, provided they protect the Locathah and raise the island. Seklyn and Virion perform at the equinox while Ciaran and Mystan use Stone Shape and Errupting Earth to lift the fortress one level.

Seklyn argues with his wife over the "phone" about when he'll be back, Mystan uses Sending to talk to Captain Fireborn. He won't let them use evidence, but they come up with another plan: Virion's family.

They sail back to Saltmarsh with the Devil early on the 15th. The party successfuly makes a big show of returning defeated. They then confirm that Esmerelda's crew is who they say they are, and while Captain Fireborn can't buy a Galley he can fund a crew (plus, if this all goes well all that evidence money can be split between the crew & Party).

They then sail to Seaton on the Sea Ghost, and on the way the Monk and Druid have a discussion.

Seklyn and Ciaran discuss the surface world and the strangeness of the Empire. Selina fears the Empire will come for the Underdark. Ciara points out that the Empire is too individualist and discompastionate: they cannot survive the underdark. They go back and forth, Seklyn fearing they will be vassalized like the Order of Raan, Ciaran confident the underdark is too hostile for expansion. Seklyn concedes that they are still young and naive, and Ciara forgives them, and then vomits over the side for the seasickness. Mystan then casts Lesser Restoration on him.

Selina then asks Mystan about the order of Raan, and Mystan explains that they support justice and order, defending the meek. Seklyn challenges this, pointing out the Empire does not follow those tenants. They go back and forth, and she asks the true question "If the empire ordered you to do something that violates your code, would you do it?"

Mystan says it would depend on the individual situation and people, and Mystan admits that he values the Order more than the Empire. Selina asks what would happen if Captain Fireborn gave such an order. Mystan says he would disobey it.

"Evil will always exist as long as good exists." Seklyn thinks we should focus on thsoe immediatley near us, and that estinguishing evil is endless. Mystan retorts that evils are often closeby, and says that all
Once in Seaton, the party splits up: Virion and Ciaran go to Casa Sylvenne (Ciara is smart enough to not fight to try and see the Castle), while Mystan and Seklyn visit Castle Feldren to retrieve Dame Serrano, who has been informed by Fireborn of her duties.

Selina gets the rundown of how to act from Mystan, while Virion and Ciaran go to the Sylvenne household. After having some tea and talking with Rodrigo, he agrees to fund 25,000 gp for docked Galley if Virion defends the purchase to his mother. The other 5,000 will be for the crystal, which Rodrigo can take care of. Ciaran will have to do the talking, so Virion coaches her on surface world haggling, explaining that many people buy boats in the summer thinking they will have the funds for a crystal by winter, and then have to sell come winter when they don't have the funds. Ciara casts Eagle's Splendor. He then approaches a vendor and begins haggling. Ciaran successfully haggles it down to 24,000gp for a ship, the other 1000gp going back to the Sylvennes.

Selina and Mystan go to Castle Feldren. Traveling through the barracks and then the main gatehouse, they go to the Followers of Raan's Tower and pick up Talon Serrano. The party meets back up at the docks, Rodrigo has supplied a crystal, which will eventually be affixed to the figurehead (a shark) of the galley Sinful Flower (I hate these randomly rolled names. In Ciaran's defense, she doesn't get the euphemism). They load up and sail to the Lizardfolk, leaving the Sea Ghost in Seaton.

At the Fort, the crew gets to swapping the nameplates and figureheads. Meanwhile, the Javan Locathah are starting their run! Bubbles is there, with their badass scar and awesome wavecutterblade. They're happy to see the party on their home turf, and suggest that everyone use canoes except Mystan bc of his magical helmet. They travel alongside the Locathah, but Bubbles literally blows them out of the water with their lighting javelin and all their cool abilities. Still, they kinda help, and get to their checkpoint. After that they slip down the river completely unseen.

Once the nameplates and figurehead are swapped, the fake crew boards and the unladen Sinful Flower, disguised as the Bilious Saber sets sail for the Styes.

After this, the party - under Ciara's guidance - returns to Saltmarsh via the following: Ciaran goes to Seaton, hires a crew for a few hour's jounrey, picks everybody up, and they all arrive back in Saltmarsh (taking care to approach from the correct direction) on the evening of the 15th of Slaying.

Later that night, the town council summons the party. It's late so everyone looks tired, but Maria Primewater is espcially exhausted (and she's wearing different earrings).

After questioning Ingo and learning who the other hired theves were - Mad Salt, who used to be a pirate & Anthon, who refuses to disclose his blackmail. The fourth and final mercenrary-turned-burgular, Dorian, has abandoned her house since at least the job was done, if not earlier. The party is rewarded with 2000gp each rather than 1000gp due to how chaotic this was.

The council plans to keep the existence of the shapeshifter hush-hush, focusing on keeping the festival secure.
Ghosts of Saltmarsh Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Virion Sylvenne
C/N Wood Elf (Noble)
Wizard 2
7 / 12 HP
Co'oquilan Mystan
Bronze Dragonborn (Acolyte)
Cleric 3
10 / 24 HP
Report Date
19 Feb 2023

Cover image: Brightfalls_14.06 by Krivio
This article has no secrets.


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