Session 35: Investigations & Preparations Report Report in Matelo Kaloje | World Anvil
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Session 35: Investigations & Preparations Report

General Summary

13th of Slaying, Seklyn and Mystan are going to Winston's Store to follow up on the grappling hook, while Virion and Ciara ask the dwarves.

Sir Sylvenne and Ciara enter the dwarven mining headquarters. Oskar Straklen introduces himself and explains that while he wasn't there, a few other dwarves were working. Oskar brings them to the one who ran out to confront the robbers. Her name is Ramira Copperlocks, the company's accountant, and she explains that she saw four human-sized robbers (though they could've been elves). She ran out to stop them, but by the time she got to the cliff they were gone.

Vonbin (the quartermaster) actually saw the ruffians enter, but thought they were Dr. Cauce & the party returning. He didn't see much more of them leaving, but insists they were humans. The other dwarves don't give much more information.

Meanwhile, Mystan and Seklyn go to Winston's Store. Checking the grappling hook, they notice it has the mark of a dwarven clan; probably the manufacturer. Seklyn has Mystan bend his hook to create a story to buy a new one (on the cheap too). The new one matches. After some negotiation - providing Winston a front row seat at the Primewater's and anonimity from Captain Fireborn, he happily provides a description after confirming he sold a hook on the 1st of Slaying. The customer had shaggy black hair with brown skin, clean shaven. Probably human based on the ears. He wore nondescript peasant's clothes (cotton white tunic, earth-toned breeches, wide brimed hat, boots, etc.). Notably though, the man had heterochromia, his eyes were vibrant blue on the left and earthen brown on the right.

The party reconvenes at Hoolwatch Tower. They tell Eliander everything (minus Winston's involvement). He is able to decode the cipher, which was a vingenere cipher. Its key is "oweland" and reads "Move by festival to denoted". They assume "denoted" means the jail. Nothing has been moved to the jail. Most distrubingly, the handwriting matches Eda Oweland. Captain Fireborn doesn't like this one bit.

Mystan casts Locate Creature based on Winston's description of the client. He doesn't know exactly where, but the target is somewhere in the Empty Net, currently under the stewardship of Ingo the Drover given Pedro is under investigation. Ingo has a dwarf hired to run it.

Given Virion and Mystan are lawmen, they go to across the street and stakeout the tavern from the Faithful Quartermasters of Ithaqua. Seklyn enters first and does a spectacular performance of Belle of Saltmarsh City

Tell my ma when I go home
The boys won't leave the girls alone
They pulled my hair and stole my comb
But that's all right 'till I go home
She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Saltmarsh city
She is courting, one two three
Please won't you tell me who is she?

Albert Mooney says he loves her
All the boys are fighting for her
Knock on the door and they ring the bell
Oh my true love, are you well?
Here she comes, as white as snow
Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes
Old Johnny Mary she says she'll die
If she doesn't get the boy with the roving eye

Tell my ma when I go home
The boys won't leave the girls alone
They pulled my hair and stole my comb
But that's all right 'till I go home
She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Saltmarsh city
She is courting, one two three
Please won't you tell me who is she?

Let the wind and the rain and the hail blow high
And the snow come tumbling from the sky
She's as nice as apple pie
She'll get her own boy, by and by
When she gets a lad of her own
She won't tell her ma 'till she comes home
Let the boys stay as they will
For it's Albert Mooney she loves still

Tell my ma when I go home
The boys won't leave the girls alone
They pulled my hair and stole my comb
But that's all right 'till I go home
She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Saltmarsh city
She is courting, one two three
Please won't you tell me who is she?

Tell my ma when I go home
The boys won't leave the girls alone
They pulled my hair and stole my comb
But that's all right 'till I go home
She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Belfast city
She is courting, one two three
Please won't you tell me who is she?

They use Step of the Wind and Wings Unfurled to perform from the ceiling, it's awesome. Ciara enters the tavern stealthed and pokes around, hidden during the performance. Both see the heterochromatic man; he's drinking alone in a corner.

Ciaran stealthily sits near him and watches him.

Seklyn leaves so they aren't seen as a cop, while Virion & Mystan wait for the guy to leave, tailed by Ciara, after Mystan casts Sending to Ciaran to communicate the plan. Ciara will tail them to see if he leads them to others. Mystan can cast Locate Object on Ciaran's cloak to track the pair down later. Virion tails Ciaran.

After the heterochromatic man enters his home, Virion waits by the back and Ciara enters through the front. Ciara questions the man, and he denies and deflects, eventually pulling a gun on Ciaran when she accuses him of lying. Virion enters then, and casts Hold Person. They disarm and tie him up (8) and search the place, finding nothing of note.

Virion proceeds to lock the doors and turn out all the lights, drawing all the blinds. "We both have darkvision, we'll do the interrogation in here."

Via Sending they get Mystan over to the home (his helmet gives darkvision). The man fails the Zone of Truth, barely.

They get a bunch of info off the guy, eventually. He is scared of blackmail killing him, and he demands safety in Castle Feldren. They tell Eliander everything, and raise a lot more questions. More to be added later.
Ghosts of Saltmarsh Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Virion Sylvenne
C/N Wood Elf (Noble)
Wizard 2
7 / 12 HP
Co'oquilan Mystan
Bronze Dragonborn (Acolyte)
Cleric 3
10 / 24 HP
Report Date
08 Jan 2023

Cover image: Brightfalls_14.06 by Krivio
This article has no secrets.


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