Thread Walker

An experienced sailor can predict how the winds will flow. But even an experienced sailor is no match to a Thread Walker, for whom the wind is but an extension of their own senses. To them, it is as if they can see the wind in their mind. They can follow its flow, and know, not predict, how the wind will change.   And an experienced Thread Walker, who has learned to understand this additional sense, can do even far more. Not only can they feel the wind, but they can feel its absence. No ship can sneak up on them, for even in the darkest night or thickest fog, they can feel the disruptions caused by an enemy vessel. No storm surprises them, for they can feel its breath begin to form hours or even days before it grows dangerous.   Exceptionally talented Thread Walkers can even sense the winds of life. They can feel the threads of existence of those around them, allowing them to blindly know how their allies and enemies are feeling. Some say that Thread Walkers can even touch these threads, communicating through them.   The most powerful combination is when a Thread Walker teams up with a Wind Weaver. The combination of detecting and manipulating the wind, not only lets them stay safe, but even steer their enemies away from them. Such teamups may be responsible for rare tales about storms being steered to destroy entire fleets.


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