Delatura Corporation Organization in Mass Effect: Terminus | World Anvil
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Delatura Corporation

Established in 2163 CE, the Delatura Corporation is a small intelligence brokerage firm that is well respected on the Citadel, providing public records and decades worth of knowledge to the public for modest fees. The founder and first CEO of the company, Randall Sloane, created the company as a personal project that later expanded out into a profitable corporate venture. However, after the Geth attack on the Citadel, Mister Sloane was found among the dead on the Presidium. In his place, the new CEO, Kean Landerson, took control of the company. Now, the Delatura Corporation has begun offering more off-world services rather than the ones provided on the Citadel. In today's world, Delatura Corp is still providing the public with an expansive wealth of knowledge that will continue to grow for years to come.
Corporation, Business


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