Silas N’Kwane Character in Masks of Nyarlathotep | World Anvil
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Silas N’Kwane

N’Kwane is the manager of the Ney York Ju-Ju House. He is spry for his age, as well as clever and perceptive.   Follower of the Bloody Tongue: He will fight if he must, preferring to attack from the rear.  


A skeletally thin, wizened old AfricanAmerican man, with skin the texture of a walnut. He has only a fringe of thin, white hair and is missing many teeth. When serving in the shop, he wears a bright red shuka (a traditional Maasai blanket, worn wrapped around the body) and sandals to meet the expectations of customers, but puts on a suit, tie, and hat when heading out on business.  


Has a cackling laugh when something amuses him; this may be an innocent joke or the sight of an enemy being consumed by the chakota. He is cowardly by nature and will snivel and beg for his life if threatened with physical violence, all the while looking for the first opportunity to flee and get help or stab his enemy in the back.
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Death
January 14th, 1925
Circumstances of Death
Bullet to the chest
Aligned Organization


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