Nayra Character in Masks of Nyarlathotep | World Anvil
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wise woman and healer

Nayra is a yatiri—a traditional healer of the Aymara people. While she is popular in most of the community around Puno, some of the more devout Catholics see her as a pagan and disapprove of her beliefs and practices.   As well as following her calling as a healer, Nayra has a lively interest in the myths and legends of the area around Lake Titicaca. When Jackson Elias went to Puno in search of information about monsters and cults, a number of locals directed him to speak to Nayra and they became friends.   Since helping Elias, Nayra has come to the attention of the Kharisiri of Puna. She is keeping a low profile, moving around the area and staying with a variety of friends.  


A stooped, wrinkled old woman with thick white hair and bright, lively eyes.  


Has a loud, infectious laugh and finds a great many things funny. She has a mischievous sense of humor and makes good-natured jokes at the investigators’ expense.
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